search for: 34556

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "34556".

Did you mean: 3456
2007 Nov 02
1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes - Very Strange any time and it saves. Here are the values being passed, in this example, the dropofftime is 20:20. Parameters: {"commit"=>"Create", "shipment"=>{"num_boxes2"=>"0", "clientref"=>"23242", "AWB"=>"34556", "num_boxes3"=>"0", "weight"=>"", "box_type1"=>"", "shipper_id"=>"3", "box_type2"=>"", "dropofftime(1i)"=>"", "box_type3"=>"", &quot...
2004 Jan 18
Asterisk as SIP Redirect Server -- Implemented - Not Working - Plz Help
I have coded chan_sip.c so that you can have // sip.conf register => [redirectconfig] redirect=yes .... so when you receive a call it will redirect to the alternating uri's with a SIP 300 Message. It works with the following sequence, INVITE -- Receives INVITE REDIRECT -- Sends 300 Successfully ACK -- Receives ACK But the actuall call is no...
2005 Jun 07
apple to Intel
I am wondering what the list's opinion is on the Apple to Intel switch. This is going to put a slick desktop that runs on top of BSD directly into the mainstream. What does this hold for Linux in general, Linux on the desktop..and microsoft. -- Computer House Calls, Networks, Security, Web Design: What businesses are in Brunswick, Maryland?
2010 Apr 02
L2ARC & Workingset Size
...0 l2_writes_hdr_miss 21 l2_writes_sent 2641 memory_throttle_count 0 mfu_ghost_hits 71494 mfu_hits 229015 misses 332666 mru_ghost_hits 34556 mru_hits 312534 mutex_miss 412 other_size 56242464 p 899623936 prefetch_data_hits 37434 prefetch_data_misses 5663 prefetch_metadata_hits 14982...
2007 Jan 11
Help understanding some benchmark results
G''day, all, So, I''ve decided to migrate my home server from Linux+swRAID+LVM to Solaris+ZFS, because it seems to hold much better promise for data integrity, which is my primary concern. However, naturally, I decided to do some benchmarks in the process, and I don''t understand why the results are what they are. I though I had a reasonable understanding of ZFS, but now
2009 Sep 24
[LLVMdev] Is line number in DbgStopPointInst in LLVM accurate?
...1226, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit134216 to { }*)) [34555] File Name: [14 x i8] c"\00, LineNo: 1229, Inst: call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 1229, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit134216 to { }*)) [34556] File Name: [14 x i8] c"\00, LineNo: 1229, Inst: call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 1229, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit134216 to { }*)) [34557] File Name: [14 x i8] c"\00, LineNo: 1229, Inst: call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoi...