search for: 328293

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "328293".

2011 Feb 09
Iterate over a list of input files?
Hi, I've got the following code which seems to work fine for a single file if I specify the file name explicitly in the code. What I need to do is run it on all the files in the directory tested and augment the data frame I'm building to have more results columns.How can I do that? Here's the code: library(chron) # .Holidays / / is.weekend TStoDate = function
2011 Apr 22
Valgrind/Callgrind 3.6.1 does not appear to work on Centos Linux 5.5
Hi, For the last day or two I having been trying to get Valgrind/Callgrind 3.6.1 to work on Centos Linux 5.5 using a simple Fibonacci C++ program(shown below). After compiling the program using g++ -g -o MatchUpAccurate MatchUpAccurate.cpp, we run: /home/frankc/DQTTest/valgrind-3.6.1/coregrind/valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes --simulate-cache=yes --collect-jumps=yes