search for: 31774

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2008 Nov 19
simulation of autoregressive process
...=0.8*y(t-1)+e(t) where e(t) is i.i.d.(0,sigma*sigma), Thank you in advance ____________________________________________________ Écoutez gratuitement le nouveau single de Noir Désir et découvrez d'autres titres en affinité avec vos goûts musicaux ! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Nov 19
vector of zeros and ones
....,1,1) and b=(0,0,........,0,0). The length of a and b is 10000. Thank you ____________________________________________________ Écoutez gratuitement le nouveau single de Noir Désir et découvrez d'autres titres en affinité avec vos goûts musicaux ! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Nov 19
Vector of ones and zeros and one. sorry for my credulous questions and many thanks in advance. ____________________________________________________ Écoutez gratuitement le nouveau single de Noir Désir et découvrez d'autres titres en affinité avec vos goûts musicaux ! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Nov 23
Wine release 1.5.18 extensions anymore 31108 Microshop 2.0 (.NET 2.0 app using System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser) wants IWebBrowser2::Refresh 31646 Popcap wrapper does not work through proxy 31735 Circuitmaker 2000 schematic editor: some parts are wrongly displayed 31738 Material Brave hangs on starting 31774 Font smoothing does not work in spite of registry settings 31841 Uru does not properly start anymore in full-screen mode 31979 Lord of the Rings Online crashes at startup 31993 Netflix on Firefox hangs with loading bar at 100% 32040 The Witcher - Graphical glitches with ARB shader back...
2012 May 08
registry vulnerabilities in R
...752|" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ControlSet001\services\SharedAccess\Defaults\FirewallPolicy\FirewallRules "NetPres-WSDEVNTS-In-TCP-NoScope"="v2.10|Action=Allow|Active=FALSE|Dir=In|Protocol=6|Profile=Domain|LPort=5358|App=System|Name=@FirewallAPI.dll,-31773|Desc=@FirewallAPI.dll,-31774|EmbedCtxt @FirewallAPI.dll,-31752|" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ControlSet001\services\SharedAccess\Defaults\FirewallPolicy\FirewallRules "NetPres-WSDEVNTS-Out-TCP-NoScope"="v2.10|Action=Allow|Active=FALSE|Dir=Out|Protocol=6|Profile=Domain|RPort=5358|App=System|Name=@FirewallAPI.d...