search for: 3130

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 171 matches for "3130".

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2006 Mar 02
ipv6 not working
I added an listner to dovecot bye adding the following lines to config but no result no connectivity with ipv6: imap_listen = [::] pop3_listen = [::] imap_listen = * pop3_listen = * Met vriendelijk groet, Bas van Dikkenberg GISkit bv BFVD1-RIPE Tel: +3130-6340430 Fax: +3130-6342433 Prive Tel: +3130-6372769 Mob: +316-52384841 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2006 Mar 06
getting lock error
...w wat the problem is and how i can fix it pop3(bas at Mar 06 09:10:37 Error: file_wait_lock() failed with index file /mailstore/vmail/ No locks available Met vriendelijk groet, Bas van Dikkenberg GISkit bv BFVD1-RIPE Tel: +3130-6340430 Fax: +3130-6342433 Prive Tel: +3130-6372769 Mob: +316-52384841 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2006 Mar 23
spam filtering with amavis
I'm filtering that is being deliverd to postfix mail server with amavisd-new . I want spam with spam f level 1 - 8 to ad a tag any everything above to be delete is this posebol? If yes how? Met vriendelijk groet, Bas van Dikkenberg GISkit bv BFVD1-RIPE Tel: +3130-6340430 Fax: +3130-6342433 Prive Tel: +3130-6372769 Mob: +316-52384841 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 Apr 04
Use of cache_peer login=username:password for all source addresses acl rest src # #Define acl for proxy bypass addresses (squid does authentication for these) acl safe dstdomain "/usr/local/etc/squid/safe.conf" #Supply username & password for sites defined in safe.conf cache_peer parent 8080 3130 default no-query login=username:password cache_peer_access allow safe cache_peer_access deny rest #Require authentication for all other sites cache_peer parent 8080 3130 default no-query login=PASS cache_peer_access deny safe cache_pee...
2006 Mar 01
(no subject)
...en I use ipv6 it doesn't want to work. I added the following lines: imap_listen = [2001:7b8:210::4] pop3_listen = [2001:7b8:210::4] but this doesn't work also Wat am doing wrong Met vriendelijk groet, Bas van Dikkenberg GISkit bv BFVD1-RIPE Tel: +3130-6340430 Fax: +3130-6342433 Prive Tel: +3130-6372769 Mob: +316-52384841 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2009 May 26
moving from Windows to Linux - need help
hi I've used R for many years on windows machines, but have now acquired an Asus eee 1000 linux machine. In order to get the best out of the machine, I used the '' script, to get the full KDE desktop. The version of Linux is Xandros, which I believe is a close relative of Debian, but sadly I have only a nodding acquaintance with Linux at present. Naturally I want to
2016 Oct 29
Squid question't getting through. I thought this line in squid.conf was supposed to send the traffic to an upstream cache_peer parent gateway, but I could easily be misunderstanding what its supposed to do. (I'm pretty new with squid) cache_peer <upstream gateway IP address> parent 8080 3130 proxy-only no-query no-netdb-exchange default login=<username>:<password> The Safe_ports and SSL_ports is the squid.conf default settings, and include both port 443 and port 80 traffic Thanks, PG
2018 Mar 11
Squid vs. iptables redirection: exception for certain domains ?
Am 11.03.2018 um 11:53 schrieb Nicolas Kovacs <info at>: > > I've experimented some more, and I have a partial success. Here, I'm > redirecting all HTTPS traffic *except* the one that goes to my bank: > > iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i $IFACE_LAN -p tcp ! -d > --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3129 > > This works
2018 Mar 11
Squid vs. iptables redirection: exception for certain domains ?
...etup Squid as a transparent HTTP+HTTPS proxy in my local network. All web traffic gets handed over to Squid by an iptables script on the server. Here's the relevant section in /etc/squid/squid.conf: --8<------------------------------------------------------------- # Ports du proxy http_port 3130 http_port 3128 intercept https_port 3129 intercept ssl-bump \ cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/amandine.sandbox.lan.pem \ generate-host-certificates=on dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=4MB --8<------------------------------------------------------------- And here's the corresponding section of my fi...
2010 Mar 02
two questions for R beginner
>>> What were your biggest misconceptions or >>> stumbling blocks to getting up and running >>> with R? Easy. I terms of materials I have been unable to find good books that introduce users to R from the perspective of someone familiar only with packages like SPSS or STATA, or not familiar with statistics packages at all. Even introduction texts use jargon
2018 Mar 11
Squid vs. iptables redirection: exception for certain domains ?
...port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128 $IPT -A INPUT -p tcp -i $IFACE_LAN --dport 3129 -j ACCEPT $IPT -A INPUT -p udp -i $IFACE_LAN --dport 3129 -j ACCEPT $IPT -A PREROUTING -t nat -i $IFACE_LAN -p tcp ! -d $SERVER_IP \ --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3129 $IPT -A INPUT -p tcp -i $IFACE_LAN --dport 3130 -j ACCEPT $IPT -A INPUT -p udp -i $IFACE_LAN --dport 3130 -j ACCEPT And my no-proxy.txt file looks like this: # Ne pas utiliser le proxy pour les domaines suivants # # Cr?dit Agricole # Cr?dit Coop?ratif # Github # Microlinux microlinux...
2009 Mar 02
barplot with specific order of x axis labels
Hi all, I'd appreciate your help with this problem. I need to plot a barplot with the categories in a specific order. My data might be: hours Freq AN 10 MO 14 LU 30 I need the categories to be in the order: MO LU AN Is there some way to pass sort the dataset into this order so that it plots correctly when passed to barplot()? Thanks very much, Richie [[alternative HTML
2009 Apr 02
Sweave, using xtable in a loop doesnt work?
I have a data.frame, data, with 30 factor variables. I would like to tabulate the frequencies of each variable and output to a tex file using Sweave. Here is my code chunk: <<label=tab, echo=FALSE, results=tex>>= library(xtable) for(j in 1:30){   cap <- paste("Frequency counts for Q",j,".", sep="")   xtable(t(table(data[,j])),caption=cap) } @
2009 Jun 08
Good Programming Practice Question - Functions in Different Files
I've gotten to the point wih an R script where I would like to encapsulate several blocks of codes in R functions. In order to keep the top level script simple I would like to put them in a separate file. This should help the readability of the top level main script. Is source(...) the best way to load those functions in the top level script? For example, in the top level script Line# 01
2009 Jun 11
Integrate function in R
Hi! Can anyone please let me know what numerical integration procedure does the integrate function in package stats follow? Thank you in advance Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 07
Mathematical annotation axis in lattice
Dear list, making mathematical expressions in plots is not difficult: expression(phi[1]) for example. At this moment I am stuck in creating a vector of expressions: pos <- 1:10 lab <- letters[pos] Now, I would like to create a vector of expressions which I could use for labeling the x-axis of a lattice plot. ll <- as.expression(paste(pos," phi[",lab,"]",sep =
2009 Oct 05
convert RData to txt
hello all, will you plz tell me how can i convert RData files to txt,,,
2009 Oct 06
Is there a recent book on Q-Q plot and data visualization in general?
Hi, I want to look for some detailed explanation on the properties of Q-Q plot and how the properties are derived. In R, there is the following reference. Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. Somebody also mentioned the following book chapter to me. Chambers et al., Graphical methods for Data Analysis, Ch.6. But both books are
2009 Oct 09
problem with CPU usage
Hi all, I have a problem with CPU usage while running the Rgui.exe problem is while I am running scripts on Rgui its taking 100% of CPU is there any posibility to reduce the cpu consumption are any package I can use to reduce CPU consumption can any one help me out from this problem because while running these scripts I am not able to do any other work and there is no recursive functions and
2009 Dec 04
Saving predict
Hi all,,Im using function arima() I.e series is my data model<-arima(series,c(1,0,0)) forecast<-predict(model,80) I want to create a variable: b1<-forecast$pred - 1.96*forecast$se and save in a txt file but using this: save(b1, file= "b1.txt") creates afile butwith this inside: ]{HQ ~|LJIiW*-l)% )m#), RIiSfdbGur9p94; H"L#Rez 1y3pN8{,I6W!6= {6l?OMw_5KZ+ =