search for: 300000

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 281 matches for "300000".

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2004 Jul 24
HTB classifying
I am trying to shape a client (somewhat advanced). This is my target: Client is I would like to allow him to download with 500000 bits/sec in general. But, for a specific port(say 22), i would like him to download with 300000 bit/sec only. The problem is that my configuration (maybe wrong) allows him to download with 800000 bit/sec. (500000 generally + 300000 on port 22) I thought that having classes 1:11 and 1:12 being children of a class with rate 500000, 500000 would be the maximum... Can htb to this? Can another qu...
2012 Sep 19
ggplot formato dígitos en ggplot2
Hola de nuevo. Resulta que al actualizar a la versión 0.9.2 de ggplot2 , ahora en mi eje continuo y , los valores se etiquetan en formato científico , cuando antes era normal. Es decir, mis valores máximos están sobre 300000, pero en el eje ahora pone 3e+05 y no he encontrado como cambiarlo. He visto que se puede cambiar utilizando el paquete scales y utilizando por ejemplo , siendo p un gráfico creado antes p + scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) que me lo pone en formato 300,000 , pero no he encontrado como poner...
2014 Dec 01
uidNumber. ( Was: What is --rfc2307-from-nss ??); set >>> of digits from SID') and uses a builtin mechanism to store the next >>> uid & >>> gidNumber. >> >> >> The builtin users/groups use the RID for the GID/UID. > > Not in any domain we've ever seen. The RID of BUILTIN\Admins is 300000? > > No its not, 300000 is the xidNumber of BUILTIN\Admins :-) Rowland
2009 May 19
Coord_equal in ggplot2
...d to have the same scale. See the example below. Coord_equal does that trick but in this case it wastes a lot of space on the y-axis. Setting the limits of the y-axis myself was no avail. Any suggestions to solve this problem? library(ggplot2) ds <- data.frame(x = runif(1000, min = 0, max = 300000), y = runif(1000, min = 140000, max = 260000)) ggplot(ds, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point() + coord_equal() ggplot(ds, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point() + coord_equal() + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 300000)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(140000, 260000)) Regards, Thierry -----------------...
2014 Dec 01
uidNumber. ( Was: What is --rfc2307-from-nss ??)
...a builtin mechanism to store the next >>>>> uid & >>>>> gidNumber. >>>> >>>> >>>> The builtin users/groups use the RID for the GID/UID. >>> >>> Not in any domain we've ever seen. The RID of BUILTIN\Admins is 300000? >>> >>> >> No its not, 300000 is the xidNumber of BUILTIN\Admins :-) >> >> Rowland >> > English please. Notice the question mark after the last '0';) I thought I was speaking (well typing) English :-D Lets put it this way, samba4 gets the RID...
2010 Jan 25
(no subject)
Hello -- I would like to know of a more efficient way of writing the following piece of code. Thanks. options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) orig <- c(rep('11111111',100000),rep('22222222',200000),rep('33333333',300000),rep('44444444',400000)) orig.unique <- unique(orig) system.time(df <-, function(x) ifelse(orig==x, 1, 0))))
2006 Feb 03
Enabling 'idmap backend = ad' for user auth
...r looking up domain users I'm pretty sure there's an error in my smb.conf. (What else could it be?) Here are the relevant entries from the global section: workgroup = MYDOMAIN realm = MYDOMAIN.LOCAL security = ADS idmap backend = ad idmap uid = 300000-30000000 idmap gid = 300000-30000000 template homedir = /home/%D/%U template shell = /bin/bash winbind separator = \ winbind cache time = 300 winbind enum users = No winbind enum groups = No winbind use default domain = Yes...
2009 Jan 28
limit source bitrate
Hi Karl , I' using your latest branch , I downloaded it here I try your instruction , adding the <limit-rate> tag before the closure of </mount> tag. Now I'm trying using the value 300000 ( are byte?) 300K (using the big K not k and seems to runs very good) and soon I will use the value 0.3M or 1M or 1.3 M If I use a bitrate upper the 300000 kilobyt I cannot connect to the server , but you say to me " it does drop the connection if the rate stays high for a certain amount...
2013 Jul 02
RFC: vfio interface for platform devices
...start: 0x0 // i.e. index 0x0 in "reg" path: "/soc at ffe000000/sata at 220000" -for interrupt index 0: path: "/soc at ffe000000/sata at 220000" 6. EXAMPLE 2 Example, Freescale crypto device (modified to illustrate): crypto at 300000 { compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.2", "fsl,sec-v4.0"; #address-cells = <0x1>; #size-cells = <0x1>; reg = <0x300000 0x10000>; interrupts = <0x5c 0x2 0x0 0x0>; jr at 1000 { compatible = "fsl,sec-v4...
2013 Jul 02
RFC: vfio interface for platform devices
...start: 0x0 // i.e. index 0x0 in "reg" path: "/soc at ffe000000/sata at 220000" -for interrupt index 0: path: "/soc at ffe000000/sata at 220000" 6. EXAMPLE 2 Example, Freescale crypto device (modified to illustrate): crypto at 300000 { compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.2", "fsl,sec-v4.0"; #address-cells = <0x1>; #size-cells = <0x1>; reg = <0x300000 0x10000>; interrupts = <0x5c 0x2 0x0 0x0>; jr at 1000 { compatible = "fsl,sec-v4...
2014 Dec 01
uidNumber. ( Was: What is --rfc2307-from-nss ??)
...>>>> > > > Take this dangerously incorrect fact: >>>>>> The builtin users/groups use the RID for the GID/UID. > No. > > >>>>> >>>>> Not in any domain we've ever seen. The RID of BUILTIN\Admins is >>>>> 300000? >>>>> >>>>> >>>> No its not, 300000 is the xidNumber of BUILTIN\Admins :-) >>>> >>>> Rowland >>>> >>> English please. Notice the question mark after the last '0';) >> >> I thought I was speak...
2011 Aug 04
Running a column loop through the Moran.I function.
...for running this on a single column is as follows: example of "coord.csv" dataframe: country, lat, long Albania, 41.00, 20.00 Algeria, 28.00, 3.00 Angola, -12.30, 18.30 example of "countryattri.csv" dataframe: country, GDP, Population Albania, 100000, 20000 Algeria, 1200000, 300000 Angola, 1300000, 300000 > Locate<-read.csv("coord.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",") > Locate.dists<-as.matrix(dist(cbind(Locate$long, Locate$lat))) > Locate.dists.inv<-1/((Locate.dists)^2) > diag(Locate.dists.inv)<-0 > attri<-read...
2014 Jan 03
SSSD and usermod
...ntl(5, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0 fcntl(5, F_GETFD) = 0 fcntl(5, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0 connect(5, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/lib/sss/pipes/nss"}, 110) = 0 fstat(5, {st_mode=S_IFSOCK|0777, st_size=0, ...}) = 0 poll([{fd=5, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 300000) = 1 ([{fd=5, revents=POLLOUT}]) sendto(5, "\24\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 16, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 16 poll([{fd=5, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 300000) = 1 ([{fd=5, revents=POLLOUT}]) sendto(5, "\1\0\0\0", 4, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 4 poll([{fd=5, events=POLLIN}], 1, 300000)...
2004 May 05
[LLVMdev] opt, llcc, ll++, -O1, -O2, -O3
...marking. I have compared "gcc -O3" and "llvmgcc -Wl,-native-cbe" here goes output (which shows that llvm is already better for test with intensive function calls): time -p ./gcc_ackermann 11 user 2.36 time -p ./llvm_ackermann 11 user 1.07 ---- time -p ./gcc_ary3 300000 user 2.86 time -p ./llvm_ary3 300000 user 3.19 ---- time -p ./gcc_fib2 39 user 2.32 time -p ./llvm_fib2 39 user 1.61 ---- time -p ./gcc_hash 1000000 user 2.26 time -p ./llvm_hash 1000000 user 2.30 ---- time -p ./gcc_heapsort 2000000 user 2.57 time -p ./llvm_heapsort 2000000...
2014 Dec 01
uidNumber. ( Was: What is --rfc2307-from-nss ??)
...ncorrect fact: >>>>>>>> The builtin users/groups use the RID for the GID/UID. >>> No. >>> >>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Not in any domain we've ever seen. The RID of BUILTIN\Admins is >>>>>>> 300000? >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> No its not, 300000 is the xidNumber of BUILTIN\Admins :-) >>>>>> >>>>>> Rowland >>>>>> >>>>> English please. Notice the question mark after the la...
2007 Jan 22
winbind - timeouts in domain with >100000 domain users
Hi, I'm trying out samba with winbind. The domain has >100000 users and I'm having some problems with the wbinfo and getent programs. The server is domain member and running debin etch (x86_64) with samba-3.0.23d. idmap uid = 70000-300000 idmap gid = 70000-300000 winbind enum users = yes winbind enum groups = yes winbind use default domain = yes template shell = /bin/false security = domain $ wbinfo -i emea\\ralfgro ralfgro:*:70000:70000:Gross, Ralf:/home/EMEA/ralfgro:/bin/false $ wbinfo -t checking the trust secret via RPC calls...
2011 Sep 19
Samba and AD integration client NTLMv2 auth = Yes log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 50 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=16384 SO_SNDBUF=16384 printcap name = cups dns proxy = No wins server = idmap uid = 200000-300000 idmap gid = 200000-300000 winbind use default domain = Yes winbind trusted domains only = Yes cups options = raw My krb5.conf: [logging] default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log [libdefaults] defa...
2017 Nov 13
[PATCH RFC v3 0/6] x86/idle: add halt poll support
...99.9 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=30000 -- 1151.0 ns/ctxsw -- 199.9 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=40000 -- 1155.4 ns/ctxsw -- 199.3 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=50000 -- 1161.0 ns/ctxsw -- 200.0 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=100000 -- 1163.8 ns/ctxsw -- 200.4 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=300000 -- 1159.4 ns/ctxsw -- 201.9 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=500000 -- 1163.5 ns/ctxsw -- 205.5 %CPU 3. w/ kvm dynamic poll: halt_poll_ns=10000 -- 3470.5 ns/ctxsw -- 199.6 %CPU halt_poll_ns=20000 -- 3273.0 ns/ctxsw -- 199.7 %CPU halt_poll_ns=30000 -- 3628.7 ns/ctxsw -- 199.4...
2017 Nov 13
[PATCH RFC v3 0/6] x86/idle: add halt poll support
...99.9 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=30000 -- 1151.0 ns/ctxsw -- 199.9 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=40000 -- 1155.4 ns/ctxsw -- 199.3 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=50000 -- 1161.0 ns/ctxsw -- 200.0 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=100000 -- 1163.8 ns/ctxsw -- 200.4 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=300000 -- 1159.4 ns/ctxsw -- 201.9 %CPU halt_poll_threshold=500000 -- 1163.5 ns/ctxsw -- 205.5 %CPU 3. w/ kvm dynamic poll: halt_poll_ns=10000 -- 3470.5 ns/ctxsw -- 199.6 %CPU halt_poll_ns=20000 -- 3273.0 ns/ctxsw -- 199.7 %CPU halt_poll_ns=30000 -- 3628.7 ns/ctxsw -- 199.4...
2013 Jul 03
RFC: vfio interface for platform devices
..." > path: "/soc at ffe000000/sata at 220000" > > -for interrupt index 0: > path: "/soc at ffe000000/sata at 220000" > > 6. EXAMPLE 2 > > Example, Freescale crypto device (modified to illustrate): > > crypto at 300000 { > compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.2", "fsl,sec-v4.0"; > #address-cells = <0x1>; > #size-cells = <0x1>; > reg = <0x300000 0x10000>; > interrupts = <0x5c 0x2 0x0 0x0>; > > jr at 1000 { >...