search for: 3.045e

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "3.045e".

2011 Feb 08
Error in example Glm rms package
Hi all! I've got this error while running example(Glm) library("rms") > example(Glm) Glm> ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial : Glm> counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12) Glm> outcome <- gl(3,1,9) Glm> treatment <- gl(3,3) Glm> f <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family=poisson()) Glm> f Call: glm(formula = counts ~
2000 May 09
Dispersion in summary.glm() with binomial & poisson link
Following p.206 of "Statistical Models in S", I wish to change the code for summary.glm() so that it estimates the dispersion for binomial & poisson models when the parameter dispersion is set to zero. The following changes [insertion of ||dispersion==0 at one point; and !is.null(dispersion) at another] will do the trick: "summary.glm" <- function(object, dispersion =
2012 May 10
disagreement in loglikelihood and deviace in GLM with weights leads to different models selected using step()
In species distribution modeling where one uses a large sample of background points to capture background variation in presence\pseudo-absence or use\available models (0\1 response) it is frequently recommended that one weight the data so the sum of the absence weights is equal to the sum of presence weights so that the model isn?t swamped by an overwhelming and arbitrary number of background
2009 Aug 19
Sweave output from print.summary.glm is too wide
Hi all I am preparing a document using Sweave; a really useful tool. But I am having a problem. Consider this toy example Sweave file: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} <<echo=TRUE,results=verbatim>>= options(width=40) # Set width to 40 characters hide <- capture.output(example(glm)) # Create an example of the problem, but hide the output summary(glm.D93) #
2010 Aug 12
Regression Error: Otherwise good variable causes singularity. Why?
This command cdmoutcome<- glm(log(value)~factor(year) > +log(gdppcpppconst)+log(gdppcpppconstAII) > +log(co2eemisspc)+log(co2eemisspcAII) > +log(dist) > +fdiboth > +odapartnertohost > +corrupt > +log(infraindex) > +litrate > +africa >
2006 Jan 29
extracting 'Z' value from a glm result
Hello R users I like to extract z values for x1 and x2. I know how to extract coefficents using model$coef but I don't know how to extract z values for each of independent variable. I looked around using names(model) but I couldn't find how to extract z values. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks TM ######################################################### >summary(model) Call:
2007 Jul 04
Long-tail model in R ... anyone?
Dear all, first I would like to tell you that I've been using R for two days... (so, you can predict my knowledge of the language!). Yet, I managed to implement some stuff related with the Long-Tail model [1]. I did some tests with the data in table 1 (from [1]), and plotted figure 2 (from [1]). (See R code and CSV file at the end of the email) Now, I'm stuck in the nonlinear regression