search for: 250k

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50 matches for "250k".

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2007 May 25
Read in 250K snp chips
I'm having trouble getting summaries out of the 250K snp chips in R. I'm using the oligo package and when I attempt to create the necessary SnpQSet object (to get genotype calls and intensities) using snprma, I encounter memory issues. Anyone have an alternative package or workaround for these large snp chips? -- View this message in context:...
2007 Aug 06
Benchmark: Appending 250k messages
I just changed Dovecot v1.1 code to work much more nicely when appending new messages to large mailboxes. Dovecot hg (cydir format, fsync_disable=yes): ./imaptest secs=1 ./imaptest - append=100,0 logout=0 msgs=10000000 clients=1 seed=1 secs=300 Logi Sele Appe 100% 100% 100% 1 1 2322 1/ 1 0 0 1998 1/ 1 0 0 2293 1/ 1 0 0 2009 1/ 1 0 0 1789 1/ 1 0
2001 Mar 01
How do you expand memory capability (Was: R crashes in Windows ME)
...of the memory limit. In Maindonald?s UsingR text, on pg 3, there?s a footnote that reads: "If you want larger memory space than the default you may want a target akin to <path to binary>\rw091\bin\rgui.exe --visize 30M --nsize 1000K [The default is --vsize 6M --nsize 250K (...)] I tried that, but R still crashes. How come? Thanks for any help, Regards, Henry L. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2015 Feb 05
Typically end-to-end 'delay' of live audio
I have an audio device driver for a live feed that produces Opus frames, if I were to use icecast, what sort of real-time delay can I expect? 3-5s? 5-10s? more? I've tried using the html5 <audio> tag directly to stream my source, but it seems browsers like to queue-up 250K to 500K of audio 'data' before they begin playback. That introduces a 15-30s delay depending on browser and the audio compression used. I'd like an html5 (plugin-less) solution that introduces no more than a 3-5s delay. -- Tony -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachme...
2007 Aug 24
Merging two files together in R
Hi, Thanks in advance for reading this post. I received some affymetrix genotyping data back recently (250K, Nsp array)…However, in order for me to do any analysis on this data set, I need to add append the annotation file to it. Basically I want to do something that looks like this: Snpfile(tab delimited): SNPID Genotype X Y 123 AA 13.4 1.2 456...
2018 Apr 16
Fwd: Help with R-Calling forth csv.
Hi, I do not know how to post in general again, however my csv contains around 5-250k data Points depending on vehicle/road type and pressure exerted on geotechnical structures. I have used R to develope histograms of said csv files and will attach such Picture to you in this mail and the csv used. Below I will type the R code I have used for this histogram. -----------------------...
2001 Jan 15
Embedded vorbis
...equired (although that's always an issue too). The biggest problem was the memory footprint required. Apparently as of beta 2, it required about 1 megabyte of memory to perform decoding. We reduced that to about 500k by using shorts in the codebook expansion instead of ints. Of that 500k, about 250k could be shared among all instances if they used the same code book (they will be the same if using the same Vorbis encoding mode with the same encoder), and another 250k was required per instance. Compared to MP3, that is a lot of memory use. I think MP3 only requires a fraction of that amount of...
2006 Oct 20
Questions about date/time and truncating
...-06" "2006-06-06" "2006-06-06" [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 152021 entries ]] But if I enter: length(newdate) [1] 9 hourly_met_data$newdate <- newdate gives me the same error as above. Why is this happening? The output appears to have > 250k entries, why is length returning only 9? --j -- Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD NRC Research Associate NASA Ames Research Center MS 242-4 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 Office: 650-604-5896 Cell: 415-794-5043 AIM: jgrn307 MSN: jgrn307 at
2007 Jun 21
Network issue in RHCS/GFS environment
...> 1 29 27 43 1 0| 192k 42M| 35B 35B:2042k 50M: 42M 249k> 0 29 38 32 1 0| 198k 41M| 936B 1293B:1748k 40M: 41M 233k> 1 26 34 38 0 0| 246k 38M| 0 35B:1804k 42M: 41M 231k> 1 27 33 38 1 0| 234k 41M| 35B 0 :1800k 40M: 40M 250k> However, it is very stranger in node2: "eth1 recv and send" are both very high! while eth0 and eth2 have low I/O. # dstat -N eth0,eth3,eth4 2 ----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- --net/eth0----net/eth1----net/eth2-> usr sys idl wai hiq siq|_read _writ|_recv _send:_recv _send:_recv...
2015 Feb 05
Typically end-to-end 'delay' of live audio
...P streaming is not "real-time" for most values of real time, it's > still more "real time" than HLS thought, to my surprise. > > > > I've tried using the html5 <audio> tag directly to stream my source, > > but it seems browsers like to queue-up 250K to 500K of audio 'data' > > before they begin playback. That introduces a 15-30s delay depending > > on browser and the audio compression used. I'd like an html5 > > (plugin-less) solution that introduces no more than a 3-5s delay. > > Yes, you can't contro...
2000 Oct 11
invalid regular expression after many grep's (PR#691)
Full_Name: J Utans Version: 1.1.1 OS: NT4 (SP6) Submission from: (NULL) ( After grep is called many times (> 250k), with constant strings as patterns, it complains with "invalid regular expression" on calls that worked before (with same pattern and x). At the same time copying to the clipboard does no longer work with "out of memory" error (i.e. when trying to copy the error message from gr...
2001 Jan 15
Has anyone made an attempt to create an embedded version yet? Is there a plan to have embedded examples as part of the open source? If I want to create four independent decode streams, is there any decode work which can be shared, or is it going to be four times the work? How many MIPS does it take to decode a single stream? --tnx --tom --- >8 ---- List archives:
2009 Apr 06
Need Ruby on Rails Senior Developer
Company: Eborhood Industry: Ecommerce/communication/Real Estate - map-based search, communication, and execution Location: Based in Texas Pay: over $50K-$250K - more if you''re worth it We are in need of a programmer that has a great set of ruby/rails skills. We have had a few problems hitting deadlines because some programmers would do things at their convenience. We need a serious programmer that has full knowledge of the ruby on fails frame...
2001 Jul 30
...u/~andrewm/synctest.c - I'd really appreciate it if the MTA guys could poke some useful holes in the modelling. The simulator launches a (large) number of sub-processes. Each subprocess does the following: for 100 different filenames create a file write some data to the file (5k to 250k, exponential distribution) optionally fsync() the file close the file optionally fsync() the file's parent dir rename the file optionally fsync() the file's parent dir rename the file optionally fsync() the file's parent dir rename the file optionally...
2006 Jan 11
Enterprise Rails Apps
Is there a place I can get a list of "enterprise" Rails applications? Apparently, even though I''ve looked at the wiki and cited the examples there, there are some at my organization who still can''t find proof that Rails is usable in an enterprise setting. Would you fine folks be able to tell me about some large-scale projects that could be classified as
2006 Dec 29
production-izing a popular site
Lets say you have a site that is serving, oh, around 100k unique visitors a day (plain ole'' browser requests) - plus probably ~ 40k uniques to feeds. Assume this site is 90% read like most of the web, so the traffic looks like your typical news or portal site. There are two web boxes behind a hardware load balancer, each doing apache 2.2.3 -> mongrel_proxy_balancer -> mongrel
2015 Feb 06
Typically end-to-end 'delay' of live audio
...quot;real-time" for most values of real time, it's >> still more "real time" than HLS thought, to my surprise. >> >> >> > I've tried using the html5 <audio> tag directly to stream my source, >> > but it seems browsers like to queue-up 250K to 500K of audio 'data' >> > before they begin playback. That introduces a 15-30s delay depending >> > on browser and the audio compression used. I'd like an html5 >> > (plugin-less) solution that introduces no more than a 3-5s delay. >> >> Yes,...
2009 Feb 27
call file concurrency
Is there a convenient way to limit the number of call files (outgoing directory) that are processed concurrently? -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature Size: 3234 bytes Desc: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature Url :
2006 Jan 30
df reports false size
On a customer's machine running SuSE 9.2, the size of the occupied space on the harddisk is reported incorrectly by "df -h". After we noticed the problem, I rebooted the machine and had it checked by "e2fsck" (check forced with "tune2fs -C 40", we are not on location). Right after the reboot I proceeded as follows, but I could not find any information about
2005 Aug 16
Asterisk and LCR
Hello, How do you guys implement LCR in Asterisk? Thanks,