Displaying 20 results from an estimated 108 matches for "23.8".
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2009 Mar 14
Format about Date and time
I have a data set like this:
> head(FormatedData)
ID Target Actual Date Time
1 2030 0 -57.0 12/20/08 17:03:00
2 2030 90 90.0 12/20/08 18:41:00
3 2030 45 43.8 12/21/08 14:36:00
4 2030 0 -23.8 12/21/08 19:30:00
5 2030 90 90.2 12/21/08 21:48:00
6 2030 45 48.6 12/22/08 13:02:00
I wan to convert the format of Date and Time, so I did this:
2005 Sep 23
Strange behaviour of as.Date function
Dear All,
I'm happily extracting data of temperature from an oracle db
under R via RODBC. After manipulating the extracted data I put them
into a data.frame 'dati' which is as follows:
> dati
DATA tm.
1 2005-07-01
22.35 23.80
2 2005-07-02 22.70
3 2005-07-03 23.80
2008 Jan 27
Likelihood optimization numerically
Dear List,
I am not sure how should i optimize a log-likelihood numerically:
Here is a Text book example from Statistical Inference by George Casella, 2nd
Edition Casella and Berger, Roger L. Berger (2002, pp. 355, ex. 7.4 # 7.2.b):
data = x = c(20.0, 23.9, 20.9, 23.8, 25.0, 24.0, 21.7, 23.8, 22.8, 23.1, 23.1, 23.5, 23.0, 23.0)
n <- length(x)
# likelihood from a 2 parameter Gamma(alpha,
2012 Mar 03
How to read this data properly?
Dear all, I have been given a data something like below:
Dat = "2 3 28.3 3.05 8 3 3 22.5 1.55 0 1 1 26.0 2.30 9 3 3 24.8 2.10 0
3 3 26.0 2.60 4 2 3 23.8 2.10 0 3 2 24.7 1.90 0 2 1 23.7 1.95 0
3 3 25.6 2.15 0 3 3 24.3 2.15 0 2 3 25.8 2.65 0 2 3 28.2 3.05 11
4 2 21.0 1.85 0 2 1 26.0 2.30 14 1 1 27.1 2.95 8 2 3 25.2 2.00 1
2 3 29.0 3.00 1 4 3 24.7 2.20 0 2 3 27.4 2.70 5 2 2 23.2 1.95
2008 Dec 03
how to handle irregularly spaced data as timeseries
I have a set of modeled climate data recorded at irregular intervals.
The format of the data is such that there are monthly measurements for
the years 2000, 2020, 2050, 2080, etc. Therefore I have 12 regular
records, a skip of some number of years, then 12 more monthly records,
another skip, and so on.... I created a dataframe from .txt with the
read.table() command. For starters I need
2017 Jul 28
Error in `row.names<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, value = c("1.9", "1.9", "1.9", : duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed
Can someone explain this error below,
I don't understand why the 2 int columns are associated to make a row name
> horse1.data<-read.csv("cte2.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")
> h1.dat<-mlogit.data(data=horse1.data,choice="win",chid.var="raceid",alt.var="nbChev",shape="long")
Error in `row.names<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`,
2009 Aug 24
robust method to obtain a correlation coeff?
Being a R-newbie I am wondering how to calculate a correlation
coefficient (preferably with an associated p-value) for data like:
> d[,1]
[1] 25.5 25.3 25.1 NA 23.3 21.5 23.8 23.2 24.2 22.7 27.6 24.2 ...
> d[,2]
[1] 0.0 11.1 0.0 NA 0.0 10.1 10.6 9.5 0.0 57.9 0.0 0.0 ...
Apparently corr(d) from the boot-library fails with NAs in the data,
also cor.test cannot cope with a
2008 Dec 21
data format issue
Dear all-
I have a dataset (see a sample below - but the whole dataset is June
2005 - June 2008). The "LST" format is "YYMMDDHHmm" and I would like to
get the hourly average of the "mph" for the summer months (spanning all
years). I have been trying to use "aggregate" but am not having much
success at all! any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
2007 Nov 06
Hi guys,
We've got a BNT-1000AP (powercom) BlackKnight UPS that works with the
KIN1500AP model in the powercom driver. Well, almost. It seems the
input frequency and the battery charge is swapped around:
# upsc blackknight at localhost
battery.charge: 46.5
driver.name: powercom
driver.parameter.manufacturer: BlackKnight
driver.parameter.modelname: BNT-1000AP
2013 Jul 17
error message in gev
Hi r-users,
I would like to use gev and my data (annual rainfall ) is as follows:
> head(dat,20) A B C D E F G H I J
1 45.1 41.5 58.5 50.1 46.0 49.1 37.7 49.1 59.8 54.0
2 50.3 39.8 49.4 56.4 49.4 48.8 42.1 49.8 49.4 58.3
3 41.7 39.3 44.6 39.1 35.7 41.5 40.8 40.8 38.5 45.6
4 50.7 33.9 48.4 28.2 35.5 39.1 61.4 17.0 30.7 38.3
5 39.3 30.6 46.9 23.8 25.8
2017 Jul 28
Error in `[[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, alt.name, value = integer(0)) with mlogit
I don't know either. Perhaps someone else on the list who uses that _contributed_ package will know.
Please be aware that it is both possible and preferred that you make reproducible examples so others can troubleshoot. See any of [1][2][3]
[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/how-to-make-a-great-r-reproducible-example
[2] http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Reproducibility.html
2008 Jun 12
Panel-specific colours in barchart, lattice package.
I would like, for possibly invalid reasons, to have the bars of the
in each panel to be the same colour, but with *different* colours
from panel
to panel. Can this be done? If so, how?
I've read the help as much as I am capable of, and done an RSiteSearch
() without
becoming any wiser.
Here's an example of what I'd like to do:
X <- structure(list(y = c(2.8, 6.7,
2016 Oct 29
lapply on long vector fails
I report here that, in RStudio in Data Scientist Workbench,
lapply(raw(2^31), function(x) NULL)
failed after not so long time.
> res <- lapply(raw(2^31), function(x) NULL)
Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : long vectors not supported yet: memory.c:1652
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Debian GNU/Linux stretch/sid
2018 May 29
Difficulty in writing R code for one pool dynamic model
Hi everyone,
I was trying to mode the following exercise using R.
The question: Set up a one pool model using numericintegration. The model will run from time 1 to time 30 using a time step of 1.The pool (A) will be fed by flux "inA" at a rate of 5 units per hour anddrained by flux "outA" at a rate of 20% per hour. At time 0, A has 5units. At time 30, what is the pool size of
2009 Mar 05
predict.fda - NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments
Dear R users,
I'm trying to perform flexible discriminant analysis (fda) with
method bruto.
I applied the fda function on my training data:
bruto.fda <- fda
where fda.formula is: PRES ~ VA_D123 + VA_D124 +
2012 Jul 01
can't demux with ogminfo / need to re-pac OGV to MKV
I need to demux video files created with ffmpeg2theora 0.28+svn18147
I have ogminfo v1.5
and getting this error
(ogminfo.c) OGG stream 1 is of an unknown type (bad header?)
(ogminfo.c) OGG stream 2 is of an unknown type (bad header?)
(ogminfo.c) (a1/serial 1092562206) Vorbis audio (channels 2 rate 48000)
Is possible, that ogminfo is older then ffmpeg2theora ? Or what can be the reason?
2011 Jun 23
new to R need urgent help!
hi all-
I am doing some research, have never used R before until today and need to
understand the following program for a project.
if some one could PLEASE help me understand this program ASAP i would
GREATLY appreciate it (any syntax/ statistic comments would be great)
-on a side note, it seems to me that R doesnt include the pv, and it was
2017 Jul 28
Error in `[[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, alt.name, value = integer(0)) with mlogit
There's a typo in your call to mlogit.data, it should be
alt.var="nbChev", not alt.var="noChev".
Then the error is different. You should check the call arguments to see
if they make sense.
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 28-07-2017 13:14, sandoz at free.fr escreveu:
> I re post my question with the csv problem fixed.
> Can someone explain the
2017 Dec 05
Who wants faster LLVM/Clang builds?
Recently I've done some experiments on the LLVM/Clang code and discovered that many of our source files often include unnecessary header files. I wrote a simple tool that eliminates redundant includes and estimates benefits of doing it, and the results were quite nice: for some files we were able to save 90% of compile time! I think we want to apply some of the cleanups I found, but
2007 Feb 19
need help in reading TOMS observed ASCII data file
Hello R Users,
I am new to R.
I have two data sets i) TOMS aerosol optical depth(AOD) and ii) TOMS
> AOD data is on 1x1 grid and O3 data is on 5x5 grid.
> First I want to read AOD and O3 as it is and then I want to regrid AOD on
> 5x5 grid as O3.
> Reading is first problem.
> AOD data is in following format: