search for: 20van

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "20van".

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2019 Nov 29
Debian Stretch - apt-get update - Van Belle repository not found
*Thank you Louis. That solves my problem. Have a good week-end. -- L?a * * * *L.P.H. van Belle* belle at <> /Wed Nov 27 14:08:52 UTC 2019/ * Previous message (by thread): [Samba] Debian Stretch - apt-get update - Van Belle repository not found <https://lis...
2020 Sep 07
Hi, Looking for some help with this issue, been struggling for a few weeks We run a file server using Samba 4.9.5 (openSUSE Leap 15.2 4.9.5+git.343.4bc358522a9-lp151.2.27.1). Active Directory using Windows Server 2016. The Samba server is a member of the domain. Windows 10 desktops and Linux desktops are also domain members. Windows 10 desktops map network drives to the Samba server, no issues