search for: 2007q2

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "2007q2".

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2007 Jul 09
To broadcast or not to broadcast...
I''m looking to refine / re-use my recently discussed "Redundant internet connections" ( in such a way that I will not be sure of returning traffic, thus I must monitor the connection my self and not rely on inbound traffic to update the kernel counters. I''m considering using arping to ping the upstream gateway. I think this will work just fine. Howev...
2011 Nov 12
State space model
Hi, I'm trying to estimate the parameters of a state space model of the following form measurement eq: z_t = a + b*y_t + eps_t transition eq y_t+h = (I -exp(-hL))theta + exp(-hL)y_t+ eta_{t+h}. The problem is that the distribution of the innovations of the transition equation depend on the previous value of the state variable. To be exact: y_t|y_{t-1} ~N(mu, Q_t) where Q is a diagonal
2007 Oct 25
One machine, two net feeds, outbound route selection
Hello, world! Sorry to subscribe to the list only to immediately ask a question, but this one''s got me scratching my head and I can''t find the answer in the archives, the HOWTO, or on the web. Maybe I''m just asking the wrong question. Anyway, our Internet gateway is a Linux box. We''ve got two Internet feeds, a fast one from a crummy provider, and a
2007 Jul 05
Load Balancing , MSN and SSL
HI All , I am running a FC6 box with two internet links with load balance . Every thing is working fine expect the MSN connection that failed and reconnect every time and SSL connections . I would link to know if with the nona howto I could fix that . I have been tried with no success to redirect that connection only to one link but its look like do not work . Here my configuration :
2012 Nov 07
Aggregate data frame across columns
Folks, I have a data frame with columns 200401, 200402, ..., 201207, 201208. These represent years/months. What would be the best way to sum these columns by year? What about by quarter? Thanks for your time, KW -- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jun 25
Load Balance and SNAT problem.
I am developing load balancing router, But I have a question about fail over. The follow diagram is my test environment and scripts. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Environment Setting PC1( | (LAN) | PC2-eth2( +
2008 Jun 06
Subsetting to unique values
I want to take the first row of each unique ID value from a data frame. For instance > ddTable <- data.frame(Id=c(1,1,2,2),name=c("Paul","Joe","Bob","Larry")) I want a dataset that is Id Name 1 Paul 2 Bob > unique(ddTable) Will give me all 4 rows, and > unique(ddTable$Id) Will give me c(1,2), but not accompanied by the name column.