search for: 20050426

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40 matches for "20050426".

2005 Apr 27
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 2, Issue 14
...Get this update with: yum update cvs -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part Url : ------------------------------ Message: 2 Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 16:03:00 +0200 From: Tru Huynh <tru at> Subject: [CentOS-announce] CESA-2005:387 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 cvs: security update To: centos-announce at Message-ID: <20050426...
2005 Apr 26
postscript (eps) / latex / par(mfg=...) / problem!
The same problem I am having has been reported here Namely that using par(mfg=...) with a postscript (eps) for inclusion with latex makes the figure appear upside down and back to front (flipped)! Converting the dvi to ps makes matters worse (the eps seems to be broken), however, it appears fine with gv. Here is (basically) the code I am
2005 Apr 26
postscript (eps) / latex / par(mfg=...) / problem!
The same problem I am having has been reported here Namely that using par(mfg=...) with a postscript (eps) for inclusion with latex makes the figure appear upside down and back to front (flipped)! Converting the dvi to ps makes matters worse (the eps seems to be broken), however, it appears fine with gv. Here is (basically) the code I am
2005 May 14
new-attrib lost when calling through pop3
Hi, I noticed, that all messages are moved from new/ to cur/ (using maildirs) after the authentication in pop3, even before the list command. I'm working with 1.0-stable-20050426. Why is this done? Shouldn't a message keep it's new-attrib as long as it isn't retrieved? This is how it worked with qmail-pop3d. Through imap, it works correctly. It's just sad if I can't distinguish between older and new emails with imap, just because I logged in through...
2005 Apr 25
INBOX can't be deleted
Hi, surely it can't and it shouldn't. I'm just wondering why a check for "INBOX" is done in src/imap/cmd-delete.c AND src/lib-storage/index/maildir/maildir-storage.c. The first is clear because it gives an imap-error to the client. But for which case is the check in maildir-sorage.c? Just to be absolutely sure? The reason for me to ask is, because I need to disable
2005 Apr 26
ldap uid with static gid problem
hi, i'd like to use dovecot to authenticate from ldap. in ldap each user has it's uniq uid and gid. unfortunately with postfix we can't use uniq uid/gid since in this case we have ot create all user's home in advance. so we decided to use uniq uid and a common gid in postfix since in this case postfix can create new users maildir and deliver new mails. so i'd like to
2005 Apr 28
pop3 messages not deleted
Hello, I'm currently experiencing, that 0 messages are shown at the pop3-prompt: list +OK 0 messages: . But the cur-folder containes 74 files. How can this happen? Why aren't they removed physically? Regards Marten Lehmann
2005 Feb 21
Are their any good chooses for IAX Adapters? -Thanks
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:387 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 cvs - security update
...t this update with: yum update cvs -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:387 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 cvs: security update -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:387 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 cvs: security update -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:387 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 cvs - security update
...4.rpm -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at - -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:387 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 cvs - security update
...64.rpm -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at - -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:387 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) cvs - security update
...x.rpm -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at - -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:377 Low CentOS 3 ia64 sharutils - security update
...64.rpm -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at - -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:377 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) sharutils - security update
...0x.rpm -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at - -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:377 Low CentOS 4 ia64 sharutils - security update
...64.rpm -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at - -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:386 Important CentOS 4 ia64 mozilla - security update
...4.rpm -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at - -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:386 Important CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 mozilla - security update
...s update with: yum update mozilla-* -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part URL: <>
2005 Apr 26
CESA-2005:377 Low CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 sharutils - security update
...m src: sharutils-4.2.1-22.2.src.rpm -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part URL: <>