search for: 20,30

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 33 matches for "20,30".

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2010 Apr 21
Help: formatting the result of 'cut' function distribution table (fdt) suitable for publications. Below an reproducible example: set.seed(1) x <- c(rnorm(1e3, mean=10, sd=1), 50, 100) start <- 0 end <- 110 h <-10 c1 <- cut(x, br=seq(start, end, h), right=TRUE) levels(c1) # I get: # [1] "(0,10]" "(10,20]" "(20,30]" "(30,40]" # [5] "(40,50]" "(50,60]" "(60,70]" "(70,80]" # [9] "(80,90]" "(90,100]" "(100,110]" # I need (observe digits and space after the comma): # [1] "(000, 010]"...
2012 May 08
There must be a better way to do this
I made this rather cool plot which I am quite pleased with: However, I feel there must be a better way to do it than what I did. I'm attaching the code to create it, which downloads the data by http so it should run for you if you have the current version of beeswarm installed (which was just updated today,
2007 Nov 29
How to align the text in the legend
...written in python using Rpy module: text = 'Quantiles #Loci\n' text += '%s %6d\n' % (' 100',totalloci) text += '%s %6d\n' % (' 95',per95cntloci) text += '%s %6d\n' % (' 50',per50cntloci) r.legend(20,30,text,cex=0.6,bty='n') Thanks Zhaoming [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Mar 06
how to make plotmath expression work together with paste
...blem of making paste and # expression work together. amath1 <- expression(slope == frac(partialdiff * f(hat(theta)), partialdiff * hat(theta))) # still works text(10,60,amath1) # paste breaks math output text(60,60, paste (amath1, "=" , avar1) ) # Can't paste expression text(20,30, paste("a word",avar1, expression( partialdiff ))) # paste does not work anymore--value of avar1 not replaced text(50,80, expression(paste("slope" == frac(partialdiff * f(hat(theta)),partialdiff * hat(theta)), avar1))) n<-12 # This does get the avar1 value in the stri...
2009 Nov 09
Negative integer subscripts in [[?
...negative subscripts be outlawed in x[[subscript]] ? Currently, if subscript is a scalar then it can only be negative if length(x)==1 (otherwise [[ throws an error). If length(subscript)>1 then it gets treated as an attempt to recursively extract an element of a nested list. > list(10,20)[[-1]] # get the last element out of 2 [1] 20 > list(10,20,30)[[-(1:2)]] # get the last of 3? No. Error in list(10, 20, 30)[[-(1:2)]] : attempt to select more than one element > list(10,list(20,30))[[-c(1:2)]] # see how recursive subscripting is done [1] 20 If negative subscripts were not...
2024 Mar 05
How to invert axis within defined range with ggplot2 scale_y_reverse?
....08, 24.97, 23.18, 21.78, 22.49, 21.85, 22.2) df <- data.frame(Conc = A, Time = B, Value = V) df$Conc = as.factor(df$Conc) df$Time = as.factor(df$Time) library(ggplot2) ggplot(df, aes(x=Time, y=Value, colour=Conc, group=Conc)) + geom_line() + scale_y_reverse(limits = c(20,30)) + geom_point(size=6) + scale_colour_manual(values = COLS) > Warning messages: 1: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`). 2: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`). ```
2024 Mar 05
How to invert axis within defined range with ggplot2 scale_y_reverse?
On 05/03/2024 7:16 a.m., Luigi Marongiu wrote: > A <- rep(c(0, 3, 6, 12, 24), 3) > B <- c(rep(0,5), rep(1,5), rep(2,5)) > V <- c(27.5, 27.01, 27.75, 27.98, 27.4, 25.69, > 26.17, 27.78, 26.08, > 24.97, 23.18, 21.78, 22.49, 21.85, 22.2) > df...
2009 Jan 30
How to generate a xyplot with multiple panels using an empty data frame ?
...e found it impossible to create a conditional plot that contains panels using an empty data frame. For example I want: library(lattice) e = data.frame("a", "b", "c", "d") xyplot(X.a. ~ X.b. | X.c. + X.d., data = e, xlim = c(c(50,60),c(60,70)), ylim = c(c(10,20),c(20,30)), drop.unused.levels=FALSE,layout = c(2,2)) to create a empty xyplot that would look like: 50 60 70 ---------------------------- 10 | | | | | | | | | 20...
2008 Sep 29
count data with a specific range
Hi there, The data is data<-c(2,6,13,26,19,25,18,11,22,25) I want to count data for these rages: [0~10]: [11~20]: [21-30]: Is anyone can help me? Thank you in advance -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2009 May 27
problem with cbind
Hi All, I have a file with two columns, the first column has the names of the patients and the second column has the age. I am looking into creating an output file that looks like 1-10 10-20 etc Eric Chris Bob mat Andrew Suzan Where each column has the name of the patients in a given age category that is displayed in the header. For example in the output, the first column has the name of the patients with age between 1 to 10. The problem that I am having i...
2009 Sep 13
Manage an unknown and variable number of data frames
...if possible, but that's just my thought. If each data frame became an element of CutTable then I'd always know where they are. Really I'm needing to get a handle on keeping a variable and unknown number of these things straight. Thanks, Mark dat = data.frame( a=round(runif(100,-20,30),2), b=round(runif(100,-40,50),2) ) # Give each cut list a name matching the column in dat that you # want to use as criteria for making the cut. # Create any number of cuts in each row. CutList = list( a=c(-Inf,-10,10,Inf), b=c(-Inf,0,20,Inf) ) CutResults = mapply(cut,x=dat[,names(CutLi...
2023 Jun 16
Issue with crammed Y axis
...5", "0.3", "0.4"), PIE.redist..X.F = c("8. 1", "8.7", "7.9", "7.4", "29.9", "30.1", "8. 1", "8. 1"), PIE.spread = c("29.7", "30.6", "27.2", "29.6", "20.3", "20.2", "30. 1", "30.4"), PIE.gather = c("19.9", "21 .3", "18.7", "19", "6.4", "8.4", "20", "20.6"), PIE.3D.FFT = c("6", "8.6", "5.7", "4.3"...
2014 Jun 07
[LLVMdev] Code generation support in llvm for windows phone
...machine where I have llvm/clang built as of yesterday) int add(int i, int j) {int k = i + j; return k; } clang -S -O0 a.c llc -filetype=obj -mtriple=thumbv7-windows -O0 a.ll I get a.obj from the above steps. I take this a.obj over to my windows 8.1 machine where I have VS2013 update 2 installed I open up a command window and run C:\Users\kck\arm>"c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\vc\bin\x86_arm\vcvarsx86_arm.bat" I create a file file m.c int main() { return add(20,30);} I build the whole thing like this - cl m.c a.obj Things seem t...
2005 Mar 31
aggregate question...
...egate, that allows users to bin values? I've got to break down a data frame into classes of 5cm (or something like it), and I only know how to do it using code like, signif <- symnum( stems$dbh, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0,10,20,30,40,999), symbols = c(0,10,20,30,40) ) rt <- data.frame( stems$expf, signif = ordered( signif, levels = c(0,10,20,30,40) ) st <- aggregate( rt$stems.expf, by=list(signif), sum ) Is there a one line command to do this? -- Jeff D. Hamann Forest...
2007 Nov 17
Drawing to a buffer (or double buffering)
...I need to do), so I can't really use it, even if it were to work for the buffering problem. It looked like RGdkPixbuf maybe was able to do this, but it seems RGtk is deprecated and not in CRAN. Just for completeness. This is the sort of thing I want to do. for(iter in 1:10) { par(mfrow=c(20,30),mar=c(0,0,0,0)) for(sample in 1:600) { image(matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=5),axes=FALSE) } Sys.sleep(1) } And the behavior I don't want, is the slowly filling of the plot. I need it to be completely replaced immediately. The only way I know of doing this is to output to png device...
2008 Jul 26
Remove non-numerical columns from data frame
Hello, My question sounds simple, but as I am desperatly searchin for a solution I am asking you all. :) I try to filter out all non-numeric columns of a data frame using a for loop to go through all columns. My if clause looks like this:         for(j in 1:length(data)) {                 ...                 if(!is.numeric(data[j])) skip <- "not numeric")                 ...
2009 Jan 30
How to generate a xyplot with multiple panels using an empty data frame ?
...e found it impossible to create a conditional plot that contains panels using an empty data frame. For example I want: library(lattice) e = data.frame("a", "b", "c", "d") xyplot(X.a. ~ X.b. | X.c. + X.d., data = e, xlim = c(c(50,60),c(60,70)), ylim = c(c(10,20),c(20,30)), drop.unused.levels=FALSE,layout = c(2,2)) to create a empty xyplot that would look like: 50 60 70 ---------------------------- 10 | | | | | | | | | 20...
2010 Nov 08
Add values of rlm coefficients to xyplot
...xyplot command but I would like to do all at the same time. I found some posts with the same question, but no answer. Is it impossible ? Thanks in advance for your help. Ptit Bleu. x11(15,12) xyplot(df1$col2 ~ df1$col3 | df1$Name, panel = function(x, y,...) { panel.abline(h=seq(20,40,5), col="gray") panel.abline(v=seq(-10,60,5), col="gray") panel.xyplot(x, y, type="p", col="red", pch=20,...) panel.abline(rlm(y ~ x), col="blue") }, scales=list(cex=1.2),...
2011 Feb 02
Counter in a For Loop - Efficiency Issue
I have a 32000 x 14 matrix (M) where entry (x, y) corresponds to person x at a discrete time y. I then have a matrix (M2) of 60000 x 2 where each entry is a an event by a person that is in the above 32000 and at a time that is in the range of the discrete time points above. I want to populate the another matrix...
2010 Feb 16
Math.factor error message
...t; "11,80" "11,82" "11,65" "11,42" "11,16" "11,40" "11,03" "11,04" "11,10" "10,61" "11,10" "11,50" "11,45" "11,35" "11,50" "12,03" "12,20" "12,13" "12,65" "12,79" "12,52" "12,79" "12,79" "12,56" "12,58" "12,33" "12,10" "12,55" "12,00" "11,74" "11,76" "11,85" "12,03" &quot...