search for: 20&result

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "20&result".

Did you mean: 100&result
2008 Sep 10
RSiteSearch for words ``as one entity''.
I tried to search for a string of words ``as one entity'' following the example in the help file: > RSiteSearch("{logistic regression}") and got the error message: 2008-09-11 08:55:41.356 open[823] No such file: /Users/rturner/http:/{logistic+regression} &max=20&result=normal&sort=score&idxname=Rhelp02a&idxname=functions&idxn ame=docs My session info is: > sessionInfo() R version 2.7...
2008 Mar 06
calculate AUC and plot ROC in R
Hi, there: Could someone tell me a simple function of plot ROC curve and calculate AUC in R? My setting is very simple, a column of the true binary response and another column of predicted probabilities. Thanks! Yulei [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Feb 24
Leave one out Cross validation (LOO)
Dear R user, I am working with LOO. Can any one who is working with leave one out cross validation (LOO) could send me the code? Thanks in advance Alex [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jul 22
lme4 on Mac OS X
I have been trying to get the lme4 package installed on Mac OS X... with no success. The Mac OS binary is not available on any CRAN, and I also canĀ¹t install the package from old source. Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I am happy to use nlme for now, but I tend to prefer to do my mixed model analyses with lmer(). Thanks, Nicholas Griffin Center for Genome Sciences Washington
2005 Jun 16
Moving average
Good morning all! I am attempting to superimpose a moving-average smoother onto a graph of daily plots. These plots (in table[,2] below) span about 350 days and looks very noisy. I'd like for this smoother to plot the average of each group of 7 consecutive days (weekly) and show a line which joins these series of averages. Given the definition of MA, the first and last points will
2007 Aug 14
State Space Modelling
Hey all, I am trying to work under a State Space form, but I didn't get the help exactly. Have anyone eles used this functions? I was used to work with S-PLUS, but I have some codes I need to adpt. Thanks alot, Bernardo [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Apr 04
transition matrices
I am working with transition matrices of sequences of animal behaviours. What I would like to do is parse the original matrices, adjusting row/column order so that the matrix has its main values in blocks surrounding the diagonal. This would cause behaviours involved in functional groupings (e.g. grooming, resting, foraging etc) to appear as blocks. This can be done manually by applying
2007 Jul 26
ROC curve in R
Hi, I need to build ROC curve in R, can you please provide data steps / code or guide me through it. Thanks and Regards Rithesh M Mohan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]