search for: 2.050

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "2.050".

2007 Aug 28
help with aggregate(): tables of means for terms in an mlm
I'm trying to extend some work in the car and heplots packages that requires getting a table of multivariate means for one (or later, more) terms in an mlm object. I can do this for concrete examples, using aggregate(), but can't figure out how to generalize it. I want to return a result that has the factor-level combinations as rownames, and the means as the body of the table
2005 Mar 16
how to draw xyplot figure like figure 4.18 of MASS (4th) ?
Dear All: Could you please tell me how I can draw figure formatted like figure 4.18 of MASS (4th) with the attached data set? Thanks Zhongming Yang --------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: sample.txt Url:
2012 Apr 20
predictOMatic for regression. Please try and advise me
I'm pasting below a working R file featuring a function I'd like to polish up. I'm teaching regression this semester and every time I come to something that is very difficult to explain in class, I try to simplify it by writing an R function (eventually into my package "rockchalk"). Students have a difficult time with predict and newdata objects, so right now I'm
2007 Apr 18
[RFC, PATCH 0/24] VMI i386 Linux virtualization interface proposal
In OLS 2005, we described the work that we have been doing in VMware with respect a common interface for paravirtualization of Linux. We shared the general vision in Rik's virtualization BoF. This note is an update on our further work on the Virtual Machine Interface, VMI. The patches provided have been tested on 2.6.16-rc6. We are currently recollecting performance information for the new
2007 Apr 18
[RFC, PATCH 0/24] VMI i386 Linux virtualization interface proposal
In OLS 2005, we described the work that we have been doing in VMware with respect a common interface for paravirtualization of Linux. We shared the general vision in Rik's virtualization BoF. This note is an update on our further work on the Virtual Machine Interface, VMI. The patches provided have been tested on 2.6.16-rc6. We are currently recollecting performance information for the new