search for: 1981,24

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2005 Jan 12
Finding seasonal peaks in a time series....
...54 foo <- sin((2 * pi * 1/24) * 1:nPts) foo <- foo + rnorm(nPts, 0, 0.05) bar <- ts(foo, start = c(1980,3), frequency = 24) plot(bar) start(bar) end(bar) # I want to find the peak value from each year, and then get the mean of the values on either side. # So, if the peak value in the year 1981 is <- max(window(bar, start = c(1981,1), end = c(1981,24))) # e.g, cycle 7 or 8 window(bar, start = c(1981,1), end = c(1981,24)) == # E.g. if the highest value in 1981 is in cycle 8 I want <- mean(window(bar, start = c(1981,5), end = c(1981,11))) plot(bar)...