Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "18613".
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2004 Apr 13
file permissions help!
But there is a problem with dovecot reading the mbox file (I think). In
the error file I get this entry:
imap(USER at DOMAIN.com): "Apr 12 22:15:10 "Fatal: Failed to create
storage with data: /export/htdocs/DOMAIN.com/mail/USER
dovecot: "Apr 12 22:15:11 "Error: child 18613 (imap) returned error 89
Of course the user and domain info was changed.
I am out of ideas but thats not to say its something easy or something I
completely looked over.
This is how I compiled dovecot:
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql -DPASSDB_MYSQL -DUSERDB_MYSQL" \
2006 Apr 12
Back In Time
On a system that I am working on, there are 2 places where you can edit
answers to questions. After editing, I need to redirect back to the
place where the user came from. A common problem I am sure, but I
couldn''t find any info on how other people had handled it.
I came up with a method called ''redirect_back_in_time'' that redirects
you to a point in history.
2010 Mar 19
Wine release 1.1.41
...hes when launching any map
17251 Torrents renaming each other
17324 Lotus Notes Client 6.5.5 crashed
17731 Profesor Henry 5.0 doesn't run - a black screen appears
18572 TCP(iexplore.exe:23945): Application bug, race in MSG_PEEK.
18585 Evil Genius crashes with page fault in d3d9
18613 Hero Lab hangs with an invisible message box while loading Mutants & Masterminds RPG game
18632 gklayout.dll compiled from mingw fails to load (.dll from Firefox)
18997 Warcraft 3 1.23 crashes after remaining one minute in a Battle.net chat room.
19627 IPersistFile_fnGetCurFile too st...
2017 Jul 07
Error in v64i32 type in x86 backend
Have you read http://llvm.org/docs/WritingAnLLVMBackend.html and
http://llvm.org/docs/CodeGenerator.html ?
describes how to define a store instruction.
On 7/6/2017 6:51 PM, hameeza ahmed via llvm-dev wrote:
> Please correct me i m stuck at this point.
> On Jul 6, 2017 5:18 PM, "hameeza ahmed"
2017 Jul 07
Error in v64i32 type in x86 backend
...pped scope entry (due to false predicate) at index 18353, continuing at 18400
Skipped scope entry (due to false predicate) at index 18401, continuing at 18496
Skipped scope entry (due to false predicate) at index 18497, continuing at 18612
Skipped scope entry (due to false predicate) at index 18613, continuing at 18637
Skipped scope entry (due to false predicate) at index 18638, continuing at 18687
Skipped scope entry (due to false predicate) at index 18688, continuing at 18712
Skipped scope entry (due to false predicate) at index 18713, continuing at 18746
Skipped scope entry (due to...