search for: 1798ec6b0b0802bafaf6645e5f76db8e

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "1798ec6b0b0802bafaf6645e5f76db8e".

2002 Jul 24
Win2k, Samba 2.2.5 and LDAP
...fesafety, dc=net" here is the output of ldapsearch uid=scott$ (win2k computer) dn: uid=scott$,ou=People, dc=lifesafety, dc=net displayName: NTMachine cn: NTMachine objectClass: sambaAccount pwdLastSet: 0 logonTime: 0 pwdCanChange: 0 pwdMustChange: 0 rid: 2072 primaryGroupID: 2079 lmPassword: 1798EC6B0B0802BAFAF6645E5F76DB8E ntPassword: 6971B307565F4A730E594ED40F5132AF acctFlags: [W ] uid: SCOTT$ logoffTime: 2147483647 kickoffTime: 2147483647 # search result here is its entry in /etc/passwd scott$:x:530:533:NTMachine:/dev/null:/bin/false Note, I did notice that uid: SCOTT$ is capitalized. For some reason w...