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2013 Apr 22
Multiple lon lat points in the map with ggplot2
Hello R users, For the last few days I am struggling with the following task: my data.frame: A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 58.81 53.292 54.501 13.013 17.39 19.407 56.02 56.251 54.033 20.099 13.15 10.411 55.376 53.099 57.625 13.396 21.031 13.22 58.584 53.194 54.218 13.038 16.854 19.289 55.7 55.921 53.847 19.942 13.153 9.828 55.093 52.934
2011 Feb 28
sub setting data.frame
Hi All, I have a data.frame: >pop consumed ind recruits gonad cell 1 516.74 1 0.02 20.21 0.25 2 1143.20 1 0.02 20.21 0.50 3 250.00 1 0.02 20.21 0.25 4 251.98 1 0.02 18.69 0.25 5 598.08 1 0.02 18.69 0.25 6 437.38 1 0.02 18.69 0.25 7 250.00 1 0.02 17.39 0.25 8 250.00 1 0.02 17.39 0.25 9
2003 Dec 11
Probelm with read.table
Hi All, I have the following text file (mytextfile.txt) 738307 527178 714456 557955 #N/A 17.42 6.22 4.73 #N/A 17.3 6.23 4.75 #N/A 17.29 6.17 4.7 #N/A 17.07 6.12 4.6 #N/A 17.27 6.19 4.7 #N/A 17.72 6.4 4.78 #N/A 17.12 6.19 4.75 #N/A 17.07 6.15 4.65 #N/A 17.03 6.07 4.64 #N/A 17.38 6.13 4.7 #N/A 17.38 6.13 4.7 #N/A 17.38 6.13 4.7 #N/A 17.38 6.13 4.7 #N/A
2014 Dec 22
yum upgrade not working
This often helps to avoid broken dependencies: yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=base --enablerepo=updates update After that, a regular yum update. - Jussi On 22.12.2014 17.39, Tim Dunphy wrote: > Removing that libyaml package allowed me to upgrade! > > Thanks for the tip!
2008 Oct 22
convert into numeric variable
Hi, I have an accounting data with "%" at the end and "()" for negative. E.g. if I read in with read.table, then R reads in as a factor: [11625] 4.61% ( 4.11%) 29.85% ( 1.27%) 16.04% 21.31% 14.09% 39.71% [11633] 3.03% 17.39% 80.13% 6648 Levels: ( 0.00%) ( 0.03%) ( 0.04%) ( 0.05%) ( 0.06%) ( 0.07%) ... 99.70% And I was wondering how to convert this column into
2010 May 09
Plot polygon in 3D with rgl
Dear R-helpers, an rgl-ers in particular, what is the easiest way to plot a section of a plane in 3D, that is given by the xyz coordinates of the outline? Suppose I have a polygon - which I know for sure is a set of coordinates on the same plane. One method I found is to use surf.tri from the geometry package, and then plot the triangles with rgl.triangles. This method is not perfect though,
2002 Dec 19
list to data.frame
R Help- I have a list of 102 vectors all of the same type and length called I can't data.frame( but I can data.frame([1:length(]). Why is this? Thanks for your help. str( List of 102 $ 1 : num [1:102] 1.34 17.39 14.36 14.22 7.56 ... $ 2 : num [1:102] 17.5 0.7 17.7 12.4 10.4 ... $ 3 : num [1:102] 14.063 17.568
2003 Apr 11
no idle CPU ... system hogging it all ...
Its been looking like this pretty much all day ... top shows nothing major, and the drive looks reaonably quiet ... there is nothing in messages to indicate a problem that I can see (even those enclosure messages have been reasonably quiet) ... What consumes SYS CPU? Stuff like apache and jakarta-tomcat use up USER CPU, correct? neptune# iostat 5 tty aacd0 pass0
2019 Nov 26
Dovecot auth
Hi, is possible to configure post-login script for Service auth ? I would like to run post script after successful login to postfix (smtp). Regards, Jack -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2012 Feb 17
user_filter problem
Hello, I have a little bit complex setup. I'm trying to use dovecot lmtp and pop3 with user information stored in the LDAP database. The main problem is that email address and pop3 username are different for every mailbox (I cannot change this behaviour, because thousands of people already configured their email client for such a setup). So in my situation, user_filter for lmtp should be:
2014 Jun 26
AICc in MuMIn package
Hello, I am modelling in glmmADMB count data (I´m using a negative binomial distribution to avoid possitive overdispersion) with four fixed and one random effect. I´m also using MuMIn package to calculate the AICc and also to model averaging using the function dredge. What I do not understand is why dredge calculates a different value of the AICc and degrees of freedom than the function AICc
2007 Jul 16
Dict-server mysql module error
hi all when i setup plugin quota by quota = dict: mysql:/etc/quota-dict.conf i get the folowing error: deliver(zzzz at zzzz.zz): Unknown dict module: mysql deliver(zzzz at zzz.zz): dict quota: dict_init() failed quota-dict.conf: connect = host=localhost dbname=zzzz user=zzzz password=zzzz table = mailbox select_field = quota where_field = maildir username_field = username dovecot.conf: #
2020 Jun 08
Doveadm Backup (other) issues
> On 7. Jun 2020, at 18.20, John Stoffel <john at> wrote: > >>>>>> "Gingko" == Gingko <ldiff001 at> writes: > > Gingko> I also have issues using Dovecot Backup. > > Gingko> I am trying to Backup (or possibly Sync - one way) a single > Gingko> user IMAP account from a remote server, unknown type, to my
2012 Jan 31
question on simple graph
I am having trouble generating a graph. I want to know the % of respondents who answered that they "strongly agree" or "agree" the "America owes R's ethnic group a better chance" (BTTRCHNC) and I want to organize it by racial group (RACESHRT). "BTTRCHNC" is organized ordinally from 1 through 5 with 1=Strongly Agree, 5=Strongly Disagree
2019 Aug 09
Should dovecot not be using different logging facility and severity levels?
Should dovecot not be using different severity levels like auth.warn? On my system everything goes to loglevel info: lev_info:Aug 9 16:18:24 mail03 dovecot: imap-login: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in 2 secs): user=<xxxxx>, method=PLAIN, rip=x.x.x.x, lip=x.x.x.x, TLS, session=<UBXJ2K+PYh68zmjw> lev_info:Aug 9 16:18:29 mail03 dovecot: auth-worker(28656):
2014 Dec 21
yum upgrade not working
Hey all, I'm attempting to upgrade a Centos 5.9 machine to CentOS 5.10. But when I try the yum update command I get this response: --> Finished Dependency Resolution python26-PyYAML-3.08-5.el5.x86_64 from installed has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: is needed by package python26-PyYAML-3.08-5.el5.x86_64 (installed) --> Running transaction
2015 May 10
Packet compression benchmark
Hello, Darik Horn sent a pull request adding support for LZ4. LZ4 is supposed to be a very fast compression algorithm, especially when it comes to decompression. I did a quick benchmark with zlib, LZO and LZ4. Now, there are many benchmarks you can find online, but most of them deal with compressing large files. Tinc on the other hand has to compress small packets individually. So I did the
2010 Oct 01
ff version 2.2.0
Dear R community, The next release of package ff is available on CRAN. With kind help of Brian Ripley it now supports the Win64 and Sun versions of R. It has three major functional enhancements: a) new fast in-memory sorting and ordering functions (single-threaded) b) ff now supports on-disk sorting and ordering of ff vectors and ffdf dataframes c) ff integer vectors now can be used as
2010 Oct 01
ff version 2.2.0
Dear R community, The next release of package ff is available on CRAN. With kind help of Brian Ripley it now supports the Win64 and Sun versions of R. It has three major functional enhancements: a) new fast in-memory sorting and ordering functions (single-threaded) b) ff now supports on-disk sorting and ordering of ff vectors and ffdf dataframes c) ff integer vectors now can be used as
2017 Aug 01
[PATCH v2 0/3] common: Add a lightweight OCaml binding for PCRE.
v2: - Change the OCaml code in the daemon to use PCRE instead of Str. - Call pcre_compile2 so we can capture the error code on failure. - Extend the test suite. - Some other cleanups, but very minor. Rich.