search for: 15646

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "15646".

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2002 May 06
Connection reset by peer under Linux ( Add )
...ear future.) > > You could try installing 2.5.5 on the server, perhaps running on a > different tcp port using the --port option. > So i try 2.5.5 as server, this is new error message : 2002/05/04 04:55:58 [11336] transfer interrupted (code 11) at main.c(295) Or : 2002/05/06 05:35:14 [15646] reverse name lookup failed 2002/05/06 05:35:14 [15646] forward name lookup failed This is stange because i'm backuping from a cron shell script like this rynsc -a ... date rsync -a .... And some rsync work well without name lookup failed and some not :( I also try to add Ram to client 256 =...
2007 Mar 14
Benchmarking CVS HEAD vs. v1.0
...102% --------------- mmap_disable=no seems to work more slowly after all even with etx3..: Logi List Stat Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Logo C: 8254 4150 4139 8254 8244 11813 4126 2791 8234 3658 16487 S: 7833 3940 3910 7829 7821 11243 3846 2345 7816 2966 15646 95% 81% -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part URL: <
2010 Jun 10
understand which asterisk thread is consuming CPU
...command, but it doesn't seem to print any PID information. Thanks to all in advance PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 9429 root 20 0 662m 93m 5596 S 23 3.1 29:28.91 asterisk 13261 root 20 0 662m 93m 5596 S 10 3.1 0:04.54 asterisk 15646 root 20 0 662m 93m 5596 S 4 3.1 0:00.82 asterisk 15648 root 20 0 662m 93m 5596 S 3 3.1 0:00.88 asterisk 9413 root 20 0 662m 93m 5596 S 3 3.1 1:25.85 asterisk 13987 root 20 0 662m 93m 5596 S 3 3.1 0:03.22 asterisk 15743 root 20 0 6...
2006 May 03
SQL book for Rails developers?
I can design basic Rails models without any trouble, and I feel pretty comfortable at the mysql command prompt. But some of these new database features in Rails 1.1 have me scratching my head: polymorphic associations, join models, etc. What is all that? I think I need a book that covers the advanced database topics one would need to know as a Rails developer -- not necessarily
2007 Jan 11
Help understanding some benchmark results
...rsion 1.03 ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random- -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks-- Machine Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP /sec %CP nitrogen 8G 139750 54 120402 52 415646 73 702.6 3 ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create-------- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- files /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP 16 14652 99 +++++ +++ 24324...