search for: 15294

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "15294".

Did you mean: 1524
2010 Jan 27
Data transfer thougt was to use SIP/Messages but some time of searching shows that asterisk doesn't handle this. We could of course use an extra tcp connection but this seems not very elegant to me ;-) because SIP should handle that... The Asterisk Console shows that asterisk drops the message: WARNING[15294]: chan_sip.c:9769 receive_message: Received message to <sip:test.user2 at> from <sip:>;tag=yNOCnaUdAjHob7Gmpl-5tjCuNmQDeGJp, dropped it... Content-Type:text/plain Message: gnaaa Is there a way to get this message out of the server - to the AMI Interface f...
2011 Aug 20
Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands
...t: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=3521/2024 Aug 20 16:30:04 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=6690/3415 Aug 20 16:30:05 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=5098/15294 Aug 20 16:30:06 host2 dovecot: imap(soho.steve): Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands. bytes=706/15684 ? Steve
2013 Jul 10
Services not starting in 2.1 (or 2.2)
...7, I get the appropriate message in messages: Jul 10 10:12:45 QNAP dovecot: master: Dovecot v2.1.17 starting up (core dumps disabled) But this time, ps shows: [admin at qnap dovecot-2.1.17]# ps -ef | grep dovecot admin 15259 1 0 10:12 ? 00:00:00 /opt/sbin/dovecot admin 15294 455 0 10:12 pts/5 00:00:00 grep dovecot and the child services don't seem to have started. This is born out by the fact that no network connections work: they stall, and then eventually time out (telnet localhost 143 produces no output at all, until I disconnect it). Even dovecot stop...
2007 Mar 01
1.0.rc25 released Instead of having "Should v1.0 be released already" discussion, how about having "What's still missing from and how could it be improved" discussion? And what should the wiki exported to doc/ directory in the tarball look like? * If time moves
2007 Mar 01
1.0.rc25 released Instead of having "Should v1.0 be released already" discussion, how about having "What's still missing from and how could it be improved" discussion? And what should the wiki exported to doc/ directory in the tarball look like? * If time moves
2015 Jan 24
Indexing Mail faster
Hi, I am trying to get faster search results on our webmail client(Roundcube). Besides using Lucene for FTS are there other options? Would having all mails indexed give fast results? Currently the time it takes to search 25,000mails is 4mins. If indexed how much faster are we looking at? Really appreciate if someone could advise about this. Thanks Kevin
2015 Jan 24
Indexing Mail faster
...14640 14644 14653 14661 14662 14663 14664 14708 14712 14732 14733 14734 14755 14781 14805 14807 14808 14809 14825 14832 14833 14853 14860 14902 14905 14907 14908 14929 14931 14940 14954 14955 15010 15021 15026 15037 15039 15057 15058 15062 15065 15066 15142 15143 15145 15154 15169 15172 15206 15220 15294 15398 15424 15435 15436 15512 15558 15569 15616 15634 15649 15653 15776 15778 15827 15868 15870 15899 15900 15920 15926 15927 15928 15929 15944 15946 15948 16013 16014 16015 16074 16075 16078 16080 16103 16104 16105 16108 16109 16111 16112 16115 16116 16117 16118 16121 16122 16124 16125 16128 16161...
2006 Jun 28
Rails Borked After 1.1.3 Install?
I installed 1.1.3 on my OS X Tiger machine and now I''m seeing very strange results. When hitting a controller action, I am told that perfectly valid methods are not there: NoMethodError (undefined method `find'' for VideoTrack:Module) Huh? Here''s the code in question: VideoTrack.find(:all, :conditions => "featured_video = 1", :order =>
2015 Jan 27
Indexing Mail faster
...t; 14661 14662 14663 14664 14708 14712 14732 14733 14734 14755 14781 14805 > 14807 14808 14809 14825 14832 14833 14853 14860 14902 14905 14907 14908 > 14929 14931 14940 14954 14955 15010 15021 15026 15037 15039 15057 15058 > 15062 15065 15066 15142 15143 15145 15154 15169 15172 15206 15220 15294 > 15398 15424 15435 15436 15512 15558 15569 15616 15634 15649 15653 15776 > 15778 15827 15868 15870 15899 15900 15920 15926 15927 15928 15929 15944 > 15946 15948 16013 16014 16015 16074 16075 16078 16080 16103 16104 16105 > 16108 16109 16111 16112 16115 16116 16117 16118 16121 16122 161...
2010 Jul 13
Problem mapping Samba shares in Windows
Hi, In our company we are currently running a Samba server and Windows XP clients. At the moment we are having problems with mapping Samba shares in Windows. Shares are being mapped through a windows startup script, which executes net use (with the option persistent:no) command. For most users this works most of the time, nevertheless it often fails, the exect reason for this isn't clear
2008 Oct 24
Wine release 1.1.7
...s Exoddus and Oddysee games 14829 wininet: http.ok hangs in Solaris, but not Linux 14839 kernel32: pipe.ok fails in OpenSolaris but not Linux 14840 kernel32: thread.ok fails in OpenSolaris but not Linux 15243 Google Chrome URL bar edits and text selections always begin at start of bar 15294 3.0 RC1 installs but apps can't be started. 15318 Google Chrome pasting in the url field pastes it twice 15352 TSLPatcher: rtf header should be centered, instead half outside window 15374 The Witcher - Game cannot be registered 15390 VGA mode 19 color palettes incomp...