search for: 12902

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "12902".

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2012 May 16
[xen-unstable bisection] complete test-amd64-amd64-xl-pcipt-intel
...2d 12900 pass a938a246d34912423c560f475ccf1ce0c71d9d00 7bde54662d45b0bbc2ee78c7a8bf2c97c6655445 fcd11a4f9f279ee89686706fe1cedf36cf9a7ee7 db6a951a4bbb 12901 fail a938a246d34912423c560f475ccf1ce0c71d9d00 7bde54662d45b0bbc2ee78c7a8bf2c97c6655445 fcd11a4f9f279ee89686706fe1cedf36cf9a7ee7 28dedda66ec5 12902 pass a938a246d34912423c560f475ccf1ce0c71d9d00 7bde54662d45b0bbc2ee78c7a8bf2c97c6655445 fcd11a4f9f279ee89686706fe1cedf36cf9a7ee7 db6a951a4bbb Searching for interesting versions Result found: flight 12887 (pass), for basis pass Result found: flight 12889 (fail), for basis failure Repro found: flig...
2008 Apr 10
Degrees of freedom in binomial glm
...0.425480 0.096561 4.406 1.05e-05 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ???***??? 0.001 ???**??? 0.01 ???*??? 0.05 ???.??? 0.1 ??? ??? 1 (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 12987 on 165 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 12880 on 155 degrees of freedom AIC: 12902 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4 > str(satdata) 'data.frame': 168 obs. of 6 variables: $ Freq : num 288 60 224 35 337 70 38 19 32 22 ... $ gender: Factor w/ 2 levels "M","F": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ... $ age : Factor w/ 3 levels "<35","3...
2006 Jul 25
Prevent users from entering urls
How could I make it so that links on my page could link to a controllers action, but if the user manually entered the url, it would redirect them back to the main page? Is this possible? Thank you, -Ben Lisbakken -- Posted via
2014 Dec 05
Inbound call from sip peer to internal webrtc peer fails while internal sip-webrtc calls work
Hello, I'd appreciate your comments on the following problem I'm having, please forgive me if this is something obvious, I've been scratching my head on this for a while: I have Asterisk+Kamailio setup where I'm currently testing inbound calls from outside. I have both webrtc and sip clients, where webrtc peers are defined according to sip.js instructions (
2008 May 23
Wine release 1.0-rc2
...n malfunction 12693 statusbar doubletab problem 12780 wine iexplore doesn't work 12813 XMLSpy 2007 refuses to install 12884 MessageBox " is not a valid integer value in Visual Trading 12890 Menu doesn't render in Thief The Dark Project in readtex mode 12902 IHP Kitchen: Unhandled page fault on read access when starting 12935 Audiosurf crashes with a page fault on read access to a NULL pointer 12942 Facewound doesn't run on 64bit 12967 MS Office 97 will not install since 0.9.60 possibly 0.9.59 12968 MS Visual Studio V6 setup error 258...
2010 Jul 13
Problem mapping Samba shares in Windows
Hi, In our company we are currently running a Samba server and Windows XP clients. At the moment we are having problems with mapping Samba shares in Windows. Shares are being mapped through a windows startup script, which executes net use (with the option persistent:no) command. For most users this works most of the time, nevertheless it often fails, the exect reason for this isn't clear