search for: 121690

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2005 Jul 18
Nested ANOVA with a random nested factor (how to use the lme function?)
...By using the aov function I can generate a nested ANOVA, however this assumes that my nested factor is fixed. > summary(aov(sp~Location/Site, data=mavric)) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Location 4 112366 28092 1.2742 0.2962 Location:Transect 5 121690 24338 1.1039 0.3736 Residuals 40 881875 22047 I have tried the following lme function to specify that Site is random: > lme1 <- lme(sp~Location, random=~1|Site, data=mavric) > lme2 <- lme(sp~Location, random=~1|Location/Site, data=mavric) &gt...
2002 Oct 11
Problem with checksum failing on large files
I'm having a problem with large files being rsync'd twice because of the checksum failing. The rsync appears to complete on the first pass, but then is done a second time (with second try successful). When some debug code was added to receiver.c, I saw that the checksum for the remote file & the temp file do not match on the first try, so (as expected) it repeats the rsync & the