search for: 1060304

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "1060304".

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2008 Nov 01
CentOS 5.2 and Bacula
Hi everyone, I have a Samba server on CentOS 5.2 that I would like to and some backup service to, I have been trying to install Bacula, because I want to backup MS machines too, and there is a web GUI. But when searching around i google I get a bit confused. about what packages I need. Has anyone got bacula running on Centos or maybe guide in the right direction. Tronn -------------- next part
2016 Dec 02
Computing block profile weights
Hello, I'm working on an application that would benefit from knowing the weight of a basic block, as in "fraction of the program's execution time spent in this block". Currently, I'm computing this using the block's frequency from BlockFrequencyInfo, relative to the function's entry block frequency, and scaled by the function's entry count. This is also the