search for: 1055075

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "1055075".

2016 May 05
Resuming the discussion of establishing an LLVM code of conduct
On 5 May 2016 at 23:06, Tanya Lattner <tanyalattner at> wrote: > The point is that you wouldn’t know that from looking at the alternative code of conduct. I would need to spend months pouring through mailing lists posts and watching the community to feel its a good and safe place. Right, this is a very good point for having something written down. > One of the many reasons
2013 Jan 28
The RPC server is unavailable on Samba 4 clients
Hi, I used to upgrade/migrated samba 3.3.10 to samba 3.4.17 with LDAP backend in place, while upgrading the CentOS from 5.5 to 5.9. In place to retain the trust relationship. The users can able to login without re-authentication from existing machines. Tested 3 XPs, and 3 Win7 but it takes 5-8 mins to login compared to 1 win7 that was re-connected (disconnected from domain, restart, then rejoin