search for: 10000th

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "10000th".

2009 Mar 03
CreateHardLink problem
Hi, I'm developing a Windows backup application that needs to be able to create possibly hundreds of thousands of hard links on an SMB share. I'm running into a strange problem when that share happens to be on a Samba server. When the application tries to create the 10000th hard link, the win32 CreateHardLink() function returns error code 5 "Access is denied". The Samba log shows: [2009/03/03 01:29:08, 0] smbd/files.c:file_new(79) ERROR! Out of file structures Some googling suggested that the "out of file structures" error occurs when Samba e...
2012 Apr 19
Performing t tests between matrices
...r each pair of samples t<-matrix(,1,10000) #What i need to do is to calculate the t value for each pair of samples: So if i were to do it manually, for the first sample in each set, I would do something like: t.test(sampc1[,1],sampc2[,1]) #And i would continue doing this all the way until the 10000th pair of samples so t.test(sampc1[,2],sampc2[,2]) t.test(sampc1[,3],sampc2[,3]) and so on #But i need to do this for all 10000 pairs of samples: #I tried to write a loop for(j in 1:10000) {t[,1:10000]<-t.test(sampc1[, j],sampc2[, j])$statistic} #but this fills each column in the matrix...
2012 Apr 19
Performing repeated T tests in R
...or each pair of samples t<-matrix(,1,10000) #What i need to do is to calculate the t value for each pair of samples: So if i were to do it manually, for the first sample in each set, I would do something like: t.test(sampc1[,1],sampc2[,1]) #And i would continue doing this all the way until the 10000th pair of samples so t.test(sampc1[,2],sampc2[,2]) t.test(sampc1[,3],sampc2[,3]) and so on #But i need to do this for all 10000 pairs of samples: #I tried to write a loop for(j in 1:10000) {t[,1:10000]<-t.test(sampc1[, j],sampc2[, j])$statistic} #but this fills each column in the matrix wit...
2021 Jan 04
Dovecot v2.3.13 released
...reached, IMAP BODYSTRUCTURE was written in a way that may have caused confusion for both IMAP clients and Dovecot itself when parsing it. The truncated part is now written out using application/octet-stream MIME type. - lib-mail: v2.3.11 regression: Mail delivery / parsing crashed when the 10000th MIME part was message/rfc822 (or if parent was multipart/digest): Panic: file message-parser.c: line 167 (message_part_append): assertion failed: (ctx->total_parts_count <= ctx->max_total_mime_parts). - lib-oauth2: Dovecot incorrectly required oauth2 server introspection reply to con...
2021 Jan 04
Dovecot v2.3.13 released
...reached, IMAP BODYSTRUCTURE was written in a way that may have caused confusion for both IMAP clients and Dovecot itself when parsing it. The truncated part is now written out using application/octet-stream MIME type. - lib-mail: v2.3.11 regression: Mail delivery / parsing crashed when the 10000th MIME part was message/rfc822 (or if parent was multipart/digest): Panic: file message-parser.c: line 167 (message_part_append): assertion failed: (ctx->total_parts_count <= ctx->max_total_mime_parts). - lib-oauth2: Dovecot incorrectly required oauth2 server introspection reply to con...
2008 Jul 14
CPC provider - input welcome
Tracing Fans, I know it''s been a long time in coming but the CPU Performance Counter (CPC) provider is almost here! The code is currently in for review and a proposed architecture document is attached here for review. Any and all feedback/questions on the proposed implementation is welcome. Thanks. Jon. -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text