search for: 10.10

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 806 matches for "10.10".

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2010 Nov 01
Wine crashes in Lubuntu 10.10
On my laptop I've just installed Lubuntu 10.10. (I was running 10.04 and was about to upgrade in place, but I got my hands on a bigger hard drive, so instead I just did a fresh install on the new drive.) Everything works great in 10.10, except Wine. When I try to open something in Wine--even the configuration window or the add/remove programs window--it starts to come up, then crashes my
2013 Feb 10
dovecot, postfix and sieve - broken by Ubuntu upgrade 10.10 -> 12.04
Hi! In upgrading from Ubuntu 10.10 to 12.04, my mail setup (dovecot using sieve and postfix) broke pretty badly. Have gotten teh imap server working, but local delivery doesn't work. - sieve gets called, but all "fileto" actions result in "failed to store into mailbox 'zzz': Mailbox doesn't exist: zzz Dovecot version is 2.0.19, configuration is: # 2.0.19:
2011 Feb 23
Kernel 2.6.35 (Ubuntu 10.10): Unable to mount (orphan list)
Hi, I''m using btrfs on Ubuntu 10.10 for some test partitions. After doing some normal operations I suddenly couldn''t mount the partition anymore. I always get the error "BTRFS: inode 120790 still on the orphan list" in the kernel log again and again and it''s impossible to stop the mount command or shutdown the system. Any ideas how to work around this issue?
2012 May 10
/var/run/dovecot folder gets deleted on server reboot? ubuntu 10.10
Hi After rebooting my server connections to the mail system set up there failed - on closer inspection no dovecot process was running or got started. When running as root /usr/share/sbin/dovecot -c /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf got error on console /var/run/dovecot/auth-master could not be opened and found no /var/run/dovecot folder!. Is there better script to place in /etc/init.c/ to start dovecot
2011 Jul 01
Problems auto-mounting volume under Ubuntu 10.10
Hey all, I'm having problems getting a gluster volume to auto-mount on boot in an Ubuntu 10.10 environment. I can mount it manually just fine. Strangely I see nothing in the gluster logs or /var/log/messages relating to gluster. My fstab looks like: /mnt/test-volume glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0 Anyone have any ideas? Best, Devin
2010 Sep 24
ubuntu 10.10 and world of warcraft 235
Cant loggin to my char . it crash after after the loggin screen . wine 133 ubuntu 10.10 nvidia gtx 250
2011 Feb 08
New Vegas Steam version on Ubuntu 10.10 no dialog.
I have installed Fallout New Vegas under Ubuntu 10.10 and every thing went well but, when I start the game, I dont have any sound in-game, maybe it is only dialog but I cant say... I get sound up until I pick New game in the menu but, I have it also in the intro movie but, when I get to the point where Doc say "Good, you're Awake", Nada, no sound... What should I try ? Wine
2011 Jan 22
Debian ?Ubuntu version of latest R using synaptic in Ubuntu 10.10
Dear List I use synaptic to download R on my Ubuntu 10.10. It seems latest version of R on Ubuntu is 2.11.1 Even when I use to update my packages the problem remains (latest versions on CRAN are almost always 2 updates ahead of Debian packages) This is also true for a lot of other packages as well My specific problem is while I can use sudo apt-get to update packages
2011 Jan 22
Debian ?Ubuntu version of latest R using synaptic in Ubuntu 10.10
Dear List I use synaptic to download R on my Ubuntu 10.10. It seems latest version of R on Ubuntu is 2.11.1 Even when I use to update my packages the problem remains (latest versions on CRAN are almost always 2 updates ahead of Debian packages) This is also true for a lot of other packages as well My specific problem is while I can use sudo apt-get to update packages
2010 Nov 20
R + Linux Ubuntu 10.10
Hi everyone, I've just installed Linux (K)Ubuntu 10.10 as well as R and I'm stuck with a very annoying problem. I've compiled the latest R version from the sources without any problem, sadly when I start R in a terminal, it does not behave as expected. In fact, I cannot use the arrow keys (up, down, left, right) because they are automatically replaced with things like ^[[A I have no
2010 Nov 08
Trouble Running Games using Wine on Ubuntu 10.10
I'm having some trouble running the following games on Ubuntu 10.10 using wine: Counter-strike source/Half Life 2 Warcraft 3/Frozen Throne The games run, but very very slowly (unplayable). I managed to get Counter Strike 1.6 to work fine by setting the renderer to be 'Software' under the Video options, but the other games have no such option (that I'm aware of). I'd never
2011 Feb 24
Rome TW on Ubuntu 10.10 (maverick)
Hello, I was asked to provide info about my attempt to run Rome TW on my Linux system. Not sure what info exactly is sought, so please ask for additional information. The system I tried to use is a Dell Latitude D830 with 3 GB ram and the latest Bios version A15 I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 32bit. I did install Compiz Fusion from standard Ubuntu repo's. Additionaly, I installed Wine 1.2
2011 Apr 10
Required Kernel version to compile git btrfs with DKMS? Problems with Ubuntu 10.10
Hi all, I''d like to look into btrfs code and try some things, so I followed the instructions on the wiki (link below) to setup git and get a dkms build against my kernel. I''m using Ubuntu 10.10 with a 2.6.35 Kernel, which I assume is too old. What version do I need? I''ve followed the guide (skipped
2011 Jul 10
OpenGL issue on games - Ati 5650 on ubuntu 10.10 64bit
Hi dear forum members. I have a problem with my ubuntu running d3d games in wine, I hope someone can help me with this as I am a bit amateur in solving this problem. My config Ubuntu 10.10 64bit on an Aspire 5740, proprietary drivers and fully updated to moment. Code: Aspire-5740:~/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Combat Wings Battle Of Britain$ sudo lspci | grep -i vga 02:00.0 VGA compatible
2015 Sep 04
Running tests on OS X 10.10 vs "Killed: 9"
Hi, building 'check-all' on any of my machines running OS X 10.10 usually fails because a few tests fail due to some processes being killed by the kernel (there's always "Killed: 9" somewhere in lit's error output). Everything's fine on 10.9. How do folks deal with this? Don't use 10.10 for building llvm? Is there some tweakable to tell the kernel "please
2011 Feb 18
Kubuntu 10.10 hangs up, while using DVDFab with wine 1.2/1.3
Hello, first of all, let me say sorry, for my ugly english ! In the past, I used DVDFab 7/8 with wine 1.2 on Kubuntu 10.04. Everything worked fine, without any special configuration. I used the Blu-Ray to Blu-Ray Function. Now, i did a new installation of Kubuntu 10.10, and DVDFab looks like this: DVDFAB [Image: ] DVDFab
2010 Nov 08
Ubuntu 10.10 AMD64 and building wine
Hooray! I got a new machine. However, if I want to continue doing things with wine, I need a little more information than is in the wiki on building wine for 32-bit and/or 64-bit operations. First question: Are the instructions for 10.04 still OK? Is there any real change? Second question: If I follow the line in the RegressionTesting page that says: [code]CC="ccache gcc -m32"
2011 Mar 05
pvclust crashing R on Ubuntu 10.10
Hi all I am writing to you with a question regarding the pvclust package. And yes, before the usual people produce their usual contact-the-package-maintainers line, ye, I tried that but the emails one can find on the web either bounce or are not responded to. Also, yes, this error has already been reported as a bug but been shot down as not reproducible
2017 Apr 30
Symbolic links not visible on osx 10.10
Hi, I'm replying to this post (as I wasn't subscribed to the list until now). Is there any progress on this issue (not being able to see symbolic links as such on a SMB3_02 share mounted with macOS)? It looks to me like this is one of the last showstoppers left for samba being able to be a full replacement for netatalk, since vfs_fruit is otherwise doing a good job. Best Wishes,
2011 Mar 02
Grub2 patch ubuntu 10.10
Hello guys, I read that there is a patch for Ubuntu grub2 10.10, is it required? Thanks. Bye _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list