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2012 Feb 07
read.csv "Duplicate row.names not allowed"
I'm trying to read in a CSV, with lines looking like: HEADER, Latitude DecDeg, Latitude Hemisphere, Longitude DecDeg, Longitude Hemisphere, Speed knots, Bearing Degrees, fixQualityGga, noOfSatGga, altGga, heightGga, selectionGsa, fixGsa, pdopGsa, hdopGsa, vdopGsa, noOfSatGsv, Time, *checkSum $GPS, 3747.0224, N, 12223.4522, W, 0.36, 348.21, 1, 3, 4.01, 175.5, -25.2, A, 2, 4.14,
2009 Nov 06
probem on merge data
Hi there, data1<-matrix(data=c(1,1.2,1.3,"3/23/2004",1,1.5,2.3,"3/22/2004",2,0.2,3.3,"4/23/2004",3,1.5,1.3,"5/22/2004"),nrow=4,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE) data1<-data.frame(data1) names(data1)<-c("areaid","x","y","date") data1 areaid x y date 1 1 1.2 1.3 3/23/2004 2 1 1.5 2.3 3/22/2004 3 2
2014 Oct 07
Conditional Data Manipulation -Cumulative Product
Hello, I have three datasets StartSignals, MainData, StopSignals and need to compound the data for each variable in MainData over dates that fall between the Start and Stop signals. (Stop signals are common and the same to all X1:X5 variables). Please see sample below: The one way I was thinking of doing this project was to setup a nested "FOR" loop and go through the three data
2006 Jun 28
Help with circular statistics
Se ha borrado un texto insertado con un juego de caracteres sin especificar... Nombre: no disponible Url:
2011 Oct 19
converting string fractions to numerics
Dear R People: Suppose I have the following: "pi/2" and I would like it to be 1.57..... Using as.numeric, here is my result: > as.numeric("pi/2") [1] NA Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion > Is there a way to produce the numeric result, please? Thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of
2007 Feb 13
Computing stats on common parts of multiple dataframes
Folks, I have three dataframes storing some information about two currency pairs, as follows: R> a EUR-USD NOK-SEK 1.23 1.33 1.22 1.43 1.26 1.42 1.24 1.50 1.21 1.36 1.26 1.60 1.29 1.44 1.25 1.36 1.27 1.39 1.23 1.48 1.22 1.26 1.24 1.29 1.27 1.57 1.21 1.55 1.23 1.35 1.25 1.41 1.25 1.30 1.23 1.11 1.28 1.37 1.27 1.23 R> b EUR-USD NOK-SEK 1.23 1.22 1.21 1.36 1.28 1.61 1.23 1.34 1.21 1.22
2010 May 21
plotting the following data
Hi, I need to plot $time on the x-axis and $f on the y-axis for the following data: time f 0h 0.00 0.5h 0.54 1h 1.15 2h 2.33 4h 1.57 6h 2.19 18h 1.45 24h 1.79 I want the order of the data-points to be retained and the x-coordinates of each of the 8 data-points to be equally spaced. however, using plot($time, $f) completely scrambles the ordering of the points. Any
2009 Nov 09
how to stop a loop in a sampling
Hi, When i tried to merge two datasets (multiple to multiple merge), i met a problem on how to stop a possible loop in the sampling arguments. ###My codes are as follows.### data1<-matrix(data=c(1,1.2,1.3,"3/23/2004",1,1.5,2.3,"3/22/2004",2,0.2,3.3,"4/23/2004",3,1.5,1.3,"5/22/2004"),nrow=4,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
2005 Jul 08
Overlying a Normal Dist in a Barplot
R-Users, Hopefully someone can shed some light on these questions as I had little luck searching the archives (although I probably missed something in my search due to the search phrase). I estimated multinomial probabilities for some count data (number successful offspring) ranging from 0 to 8 (9 possible response categories). I constructed a barplot (using barplot2) and I want to
2016 Aug 25
--skip-compress option not selectively skipping files
I've been playing around with the "--skip-compress" option in rsync 3.1.2 and it appears to not selectively skip the compression of files with suffixes in the list. As a basic example, if I transfer two files, a ".log" file and a ".grb2" file, I get the following results: no compression sent 156,412,712 bytes received 110 bytes 62,565,128.80 bytes/sec total
2013 Jul 19
Processed: user, tagging 714794, tagging 710035, found 668754 in 0.36-1 ...
Processing commands for control at > user debian-qa at Setting user to debian-qa at (was anbe at > tags 714794 - moreinfo Bug #714794 {Done: Gilles Filippini <pini at>} [] pu: package sikuli/1.0~x~rc3.tesseract3-dfsg1-5+deb7u1 Removed tag(s) moreinfo. > tags 710035 - moreinfo Bug #710035
2019 Aug 06
Monitor UPS Brand SMS
Hi Users NUT, I want monitor a UPS of brand SMS (Sinus Double 8 KVA) using a raspberry-pi. In compatibility list, is listed to use the blazer_ser driver. I use a USB adapter to RS-232 conected in to the No-Breake. Follow the comands e confs. root at rasp:/home/pi# lsusb *Bus 001 Device 004: ID 067b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port* Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard
2009 Nov 13
why the same values cannot be judged to be the same in R
Hi Rusers, I found sometimes that the same values cannot be judged to be the same in R. Anybody knows the probelm? I think i ignored some minor detail. Thanks. Here is the example. ############ data1<-matrix(data=c(1,1.2,1.3,"3/23/2004",1,1.5,2.3,"3/22/2004",2,0.2,3.3,"4/23/2004",3,1.5,1.3,"5/22/2004"),nrow=4,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
2010 Apr 05
A questionb about the Wilcoxon signed rank test
Hi guys,   I have two data sets of prices: endprice0, endprice1   I use the Wilcox test:   wilcox.test(endprice0, endprice1, paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided", = T, conf.level = 0.9)   The result is with V = 1819, p-value = 0.8812.   Then I calculated the z-value of the test: z-value = -2.661263. The corresponding p-value is: p-value = 0.003892, which is different from
2010 Apr 16
Blocking and Nested ANOVA Design. Am I using the aov() function correctly?
Dear list members, I am new member and fairly new into R world! I hope what I have is not beyond the purpose of this list. I did first search for similar experimental designs without success. I want to perform an ANOVA analysis using the aov() function. I am not 100% sure that I have it right. If anyone can help me, that will be greatly appreciated. My design is not balanced for any of the
2006 Aug 10
jpeg() and JGR
Dear R-helpers, In JGR: jpeg() Error in X11(paste("jpeg::", quality, ":", filename, sep = ""), width, : unable to start device JPEG In addition: Warning message: unable to open connection to X11 display '' > sessionInfo() Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0 attached base packages: [1] "grid" "datasets"
2006 Oct 02
a question regarding 'lrm'
Hi List, I don't understand why 'lrm' doesn't recognize the '~.' formula. I'm pretty sure it was working before. Please see below: I'm using R2.3.0, WinXP, Design 2.0-12 thanks, ...Tao > dat <- data.frame(y=factor(rep(1:2,each=50)), x1=rnorm(100), x2=rnorm(100), x3=rnorm(100)) > lrm(y~., data=dat, x=T, y=T) Error in terms.formula(formula, specials =
2009 Feb 02
wilcoxon test with bonferroni correction
Hi! I need to run a wilcoxon (Mann-whitly, in fact) test with bonferroni correction, as I am running 10 consecutive wilcoxon test not independent, and I know that bonferroni will partially correct for this problem, but I have no idea how to do it with R, I have been looking in the archive but couldn't understand how to do it. The format I am using at the moment is r4_o <- [1]
2009 May 30
Possible bug in yum requirements handling with yum-priorities
Just upgraded my perl-DBD-SQLite rpmforge package to 1.25 which resulted in all applications trying to use it to fail. As it turns out the following happened: Newer versions of DBD::SQLite need a DBI version of at least 1.57. The rpmforge package *does* include this requirement. However, CentOS includes DBI 1.52 and doesn't provide newer versions. As a good administrator I'm using yum
2007 Oct 31
template of squid.conf problems
while setting up a squid module i came across a problem trying to use a template of "squid.conf". the following text in "squid.conf" raises an error from puppet, without this text the template works. refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320