search for: 1.1.5

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 533 matches for "1.1.5".

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2010 Jun 13
script/server vs mongrel_rails start issue
I am having different results between when I start mongrel with script/ server and with mongrel_rails start. When I run script/server to boot mongrel everything runs fine, no errors. When I run mongrel_rails start I get the following errors - verified the problem on a fresh app and on two different environments (mac and yes, windows server 2008). The actual line of fault changes but the problem
2010 May 10
Rails/mongrel/httpd issue - F13, rails 2.3.5
Hi, I have an issue with mongrel and rails. I add -B option(debug) to mongrel_rails in /etc/init.d/mongrel-rails but it didn't display more logs : This is the page I get when I try to reach the ovirt web interface, I see the html tags (kerberos auth is working) : <html><body>You are being <a
2019 Mar 11
[ANNOUNCE] libXdamage 1.1.5
This package contains the Xlib-based library for the X Damage extension. Adam Jackson (1): configure: Remove AM_MAINTAINER_MODE Alan Coopersmith (3): Replace deprecated Automake INCLUDES variable with AM_CPPFLAGS Update README for gitlab migration libXdamage 1.1.5 Colin Walters (1): Implement GNOME Build API Emil Velikov (1): use
2019 Mar 16
[ANNOUNCE] libXxf86dga 1.1.5
libXxf86dga is the Xlib-based client library for the XFree86-DGA extension. This release raises the minimum required libX11 version to 1.6.0 from 2013. Alan Coopersmith (3): Update README for gitlab migration Update bug URL for gitlab migration libXxf86dga 1.1.5 Emil Velikov (1): use quoted string variables Michael Joost (1): Remove
2019 Jul 14
[ANNOUNCE] xman 1.1.5
xman is a graphical manual page browser using the Athena Widgets (Xaw) toolkit. Alan Coopersmith (8): Change fall through comment in ScrollByL.c to match gcc's requirements Update README for gitlab migration Update bug URL for gitlab migration Delete unused function Name() from tkfuncs.c Make CreateManpageWidget use String type for name argument
2019 Jul 14
[ANNOUNCE] xwininfo 1.1.5
xwininfo prints information about windows on an X server. Alan Coopersmith (4): Update README for gitlab migration Update bug URL for gitlab migration Clear -Wsign-compare warnings from gcc 7.3 xwininfo 1.1.5 David Hill (1): In Find_Client, if (win == XCB_WINDOW_NONE), roots should be freed. Stéphane Aulery (1): Improve manpage and -h option git
2010 Apr 17
Xapian 1.1.5 (release candidate for 1.2.0) released
I've released Xapian 1.1.5. We're getting really close to releasing a stable 1.2.0, and this is a possible release candidate. So please try it out and report any issues you find. We're hopefully looking at a 1.2.0 release later this month. However, this is still nominally a development release with the usual provisos about ABI and database formats potentially being subject to
2008 Sep 26
Unable to emerge Wine 1.1.5 on Gentoo AMD64
Hello, I am currently trying to emerge wine on my Gentoo AMD64 system, and it is currently failing on the last package. I haven't been able to make much sense out of the error message. If anyone knows what is going on or can otherwise point me to where I should look or anything to try, it would be greatly appreciated. Here is the error I am getting: make: *** [programs] Error 2 * *
2009 Sep 26
Config XLSUITE in Windows
I try to config XLSUITE in my system. I''m facing some problem i resolved it one by one. now im facing this error => Booting Mongrel (use ''script/server webrick'' to force WEBrick) => Rails 2.2.0 application starting on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server ** Starting Mongrel listening at Exiting
2008 Nov 11
Problem Starting Mongrel
Hi, I am newbie started learning ruby on rails i had an application which used to run pretty well latter i upgraded from webbrick to mongrel 1.1.5 then I am getting the foloowing errors and a default application runs on port 3000 i have attached its screen shot as an attachement and error which i get in terminal below => Booting Mongrel (use ''script/server webrick'' to force
2008 Nov 02
ROR Ubuntu 8.10: Action Controller: Exception caught
System: Virtual Box running Ubuntu 8.10 as guest Fellowed ( ) to instal RoR Book: Agile Web Development with Rails: Second Edition Issue: (pleas help) I''m creating a simple hello world application as defined on pages 36-40. Generating controller called ''Say''. How to I fix issue below? it returns this error rather
2009 Jul 29
Problem uploading file to database mysql blob field
Hi All, Please help me ,I need to look into this issue asap, I need to change the redmine functionality of uploading files to disk to upload them to database. I tried suggestion on but no luck , My form is multipart but still getting the error. Please bare with me I am new to ruby and rails. Here is the like for my
2023 Jun 03
[ANNOUNCE] libdmx 1.1.5
This library allows X11 clients to use the Distributed Multihead X (DMX) Extension, as previously implemented in the Xdmx server. X.Org removed support for the Xdmx server from the xorg-server releases in the version 21 release in 2021. This library is thus now considered deprecated and the version 1.1.5 release is the last release X.Org plans to make of libdmx. Alan Coopersmith (7):
2004 Aug 06
Error in compiling Speexdec code (Speex-1.1.5 code) on Windows using VC++6.0
Hi, I've downloaded the Speex-1.1.5 code and am trying to compile the Speexdec code using Microsoft VC++ 6.0 IDE. When I try to open the speexdec.dsw workspace, I get a dialog asking to locate the ogg_static file. I simply cancel that message, and then the project is opened in the VC++ 6.0 IDE. Now, when I simply try to compile the program, I receive this 5 error messages. error1.
2009 Jan 22
From Instantrails to the Mac
Hi, I am a Newbie to Mac and Rails. I have a rails apps made using instantrails in windows, and have been trying to transfer it to a mac. I am using Leopard and installed mac ports and Xcode. I copied the folder from rails_apps and added all the gems. Anything else I need to do? Any Ideas? Thank you! This is the set of errors that I am getting after starting the server: Exiting
2009 May 27
Contingent Select Boxes - 2 Q's
I have a form with contingent select boxes (the state is contingent on the country selected, so when the country selected changes, the state changes -- I am using the Carmen plugin for getting my state names and country names together, but not the functionality I am interested in achieving). Everything works fine except I cannot figure out how to amend my code such that: A. When the form is first
2009 Jan 01
gem_original_require no such file to load -- /var/www/vhosts/ ( LoadError )
** Daemonized, any open files are closed. Look at /var/www/vhosts/ and /var/www/ vhosts/ for info. ** Starting Mongrel listening at ** Initiating groups for "mongrel":"mongrel". ** Changing group to "mongrel". ** Changing user to
2012 Aug 08
Error Bundler
Any body can help me! i try create a new project, at the end i had message error bundler. root@xxx:/home/xxx# rails new depot_b create create README.rdoc create Rakefile create create .gitignore create Gemfile create app create app/assets/images/rails.png create app/assets/javascripts/application.js create
2011 May 19
Unable to find the image path via file system using the paperclip plugin through the get method
Hello all, with great difficulty , I guess I have finally been able to find the appropriate git commit of paperclip which would suit my project''s config which is Ruby 1.8.7 and rails 2.0.2. I am trying to implement a POC before I integrate paperclip in my project. The POC is basically implementing each post with an appropriate image beside it. It seems to pretty much work, its just
2008 Jun 30
Help with form_for
Hello, I had an app running on RoR 1.1, now I''m migrating it to 2.1. In a view I have: <div id="user_management"> <fieldset> <legend>Please log in</legend> <% form_for(:user, :url => sessions_path) do |f| %> <p>Username: <span class="notice"><%= flash[:notice]%></ span></p>