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2016 Mar 12
Soft lockups with Xen4CentOS 3.18.25-18.el6.x86_64
On 03/10/2016 12:05 AM, Sarah Newman wrote: > On 03/09/2016 08:15 PM, Sarah Newman wrote: >> I've been running 3.18.25-18.el6.x86_64 + our build of xen 4.4.3-9 on one host for the last couple of weeks and have gotten several soft lockups >> within the last 24 hours. I am posting here first in case anyone else has experienced the same issue. >> > > Here is mpstat
2007 Feb 13
Is it 1.0 yet?
OK - my last main bug was fixed a few releases ago. I know that there's no end to getting things right but there comes a point when you need to call it done. No one trusts a 1.0 to be perfect but Dovecot is already better that most 2.0 versions of other software. I vote (as if my vote counted) to call it done, declare victory, and move on to 1.01, 1.02 etc. No one is going to trus it till
2011 Apr 20
[AC Brotherhood]Patch 1.02 = Error
Hi, Since i installed the latest patch 1.02, the game doesn't work when i launch it. The only files modified are ACBSP.exe et ACBMP.exe. If i launch the game without patch (1.0) or with the game patch (1.01), i haven't crash, the game works correctly. If i launch the game with the patch 1.02, i have a "starting debugger" in my console : Code: berillions at
2011 Apr 19
Data frame with 3 columns to matrix
Dear R Users, Lets assume I have this data frame: x y z 1 1.00 5 0.5 2 1.02 5 0.7 3 1.04 7 0.1 4 1.06 9 0.4 x and y columns are sorted and the values not necessarily integers. z values are not sorted. Now I would like to create a matrix out of this with x as first column values and y as first row values. Matrix element a_11 shall be left NA. The a_ij should have the z value for the
2016 Mar 10
Soft lockups with Xen4CentOS 3.18.25-18.el6.x86_64
I've been running 3.18.25-18.el6.x86_64 + our build of xen 4.4.3-9 on one host for the last couple of weeks and have gotten several soft lockups within the last 24 hours. I am posting here first in case anyone else has experienced the same issue. Here is the first instance: sched: RT throttling activated NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [swapper/0:0] Modules linked in:
2005 Feb 14
[ANNOUNCE] ulogd-1.02 released
Hi! I have released version 1.20 of the iptables userspace logging daemon (ulogd). This release is probably one of the last 'new feature' updates for ulogd, since I'm already working on ulogd2, which includes support for plugin stacks, IPFIX and ct_acct. The new Version is available as tar.bz2 only and can be retrieved from:
2012 Sep 17
lqmm package 1.02
Dear R users lqmm version 1.02 is now on CRAN. lqmm provides commands for estimation of linear quantile regression models with random effects. Commands for independent and count data are also available. A few bugs have been fixed since lqmm 1.0. Updates of this package are (usually) made available on prior to submission to CRAN. -- Marco Geraci
2012 Sep 17
lqmm package 1.02
Dear R users lqmm version 1.02 is now on CRAN. lqmm provides commands for estimation of linear quantile regression models with random effects. Commands for independent and count data are also available. A few bugs have been fixed since lqmm 1.0. Updates of this package are (usually) made available on prior to submission to CRAN. -- Marco Geraci
2012 Sep 06
unique with tolerance
Dear R Users and Developers, I am trying to do the equivalent of v <- c(1,2,3,3,2,1,) vu <- unique(v) for a vector such as v2 <- c(1.02, 2.03, 1.00, 3.04, 3.06) vut <- ... As indicated in the subject, we need approximately unique values with a defined tolerance, i.e. for the v2 vector the resulting vut vector using a tolerance of .1 should return e.g. [1] 1.02 2.03 3.06 Also,
2009 Jan 09
Programming Question (setting ylim generally)
library(StreamMetabolism) day <- (structure(c(10.08, 10.08, 10.05, 10.03, 10, 9.98, 9.96, 9.95, 9.95, 9.96, 9.96, 9.98, 10.01, 10.05, 10.06, 10.09, 10.11, 10.11, 10.13, 10.13, 10.15, 10.15, 10.13, 10.14, 10.11, 10.13, 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 10.16, 10.18, 10.19, 10.23, 10.27, 10.33, 10.37, 10.45, 10.57, 10.6, 10.66, 10.73, 10.77, 10.84, 10.86, 10.87, 10.94, 10.98, 11.01, 11.05,
2017 Jun 12
plotting gamm results in lattice
Hi Maria If you have problems just start with a small model with predictions and then plot with xyplot the same applies to xyplot Try library(gamm4) spring <- dget(file = "G:/1/example.txt") str(spring) 'data.frame': 11744 obs. of 11 variables: $ WATERBODY_ID : Factor w/ 1994 levels "GB102021072830",..: 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 ... $ SITE_ID
2017 Jun 12
plotting gamm results in lattice
Dear all,? I hope that you can help me on this. I have been struggling to figure this out but I haven't found any solution. I am running a generalised mixed effect model, gamm4, for an ecology project. Below is the code for the model: model<-gamm4(LIFE.OE_spring~s(Q95, ? ? ? ? ? ?+X.urban.suburban+X.CapWks,
2008 Jun 25
LDA on pre-assigned training and testing data sets
Dear r-help I am trying to run LDA on a training data set, and test it on another data set with the same variables. I found examples using crossvalidation, and using training and testing data sets set up with sample, but not when they are preassigned. Here is what I tried # FIRST SET UP A DATAFRAME WITH ALL THE DATA AND CREATE NEW VARIABLES traintest1 <-
2016 Mar 10
Soft lockups with Xen4CentOS 3.18.25-18.el6.x86_64
On 03/09/2016 08:15 PM, Sarah Newman wrote: > I've been running 3.18.25-18.el6.x86_64 + our build of xen 4.4.3-9 on one host for the last couple of weeks and have gotten several soft lockups > within the last 24 hours. I am posting here first in case anyone else has experienced the same issue. > Here is mpstat from around the time of the issue: 0:08:56 PM CPU %usr %nice
2008 Jul 10
ppls: version 1.02 including a new data set
Dear R users, an update of the package ppls - Penalized Partial Least Squares - is now available on CRAN. It implements the methods described in N. Kr?mer, A.-L. Boulesteix, G. Tutz "Penalized Partial Least Squares with Applications to B-Spline Transformations and Functional Data" Chem. Intell. Lab. Sys. 2008 Features of the package
2008 Jul 10
ppls: version 1.02 including a new data set
Dear R users, an update of the package ppls - Penalized Partial Least Squares - is now available on CRAN. It implements the methods described in N. Kr?mer, A.-L. Boulesteix, G. Tutz "Penalized Partial Least Squares with Applications to B-Spline Transformations and Functional Data" Chem. Intell. Lab. Sys. 2008 Features of the package
2007 Apr 16
vmware server 1.02 on CentOS 5 x64
Does VMware Server installs correctly on CentOS 5 x64 or are there any Gotchas!!!
2009 Jul 30
z[i,j] = x[i,j] * y(i+j) ?
For the life of me I couldn't work out what to searc I have an m*n numeric matrix x and a numeric vector y (of length m+n-1) How do I do a calculation like this? z[i,j] = x[i,j] * y[i+j] ? Well, one can write a pair of loops, or write a single loop within which we calculate a vector at a time, but ... is there a "neat" way to do it? tiny example:
2005 May 25
Rounding fractional numbers to nearest fraction
Hi all, I've got a matrix of fractional data that is all positive and greater than zero that I would like to "loosely" classify, for lack of a better word. It looks something like this : 1.07 1.11 1.27 1.59 0.97 0.76 2.23 0.98 0.71 0.88 1.19 1.02 What I'm looking for is a way to round these numbers to the nearest 0.25, i.e. the above matrix would be
2004 Dec 16
Compile issues: * 1.02 + FreeBSD 5.3
New 5.3 install. Saw some stuff around about problems with pwlib but those were in 0.9 and have long since been fixed and I haven't found anything else out there to explain this stuff. Anyone have any ideas? gmake[2]: Entering directory `/usr/ports/net/asterisk/work/asterisk-1.0.2/channels/h323' c++ -O -pipe -c -fno-rtti -o ast_h323.o -O -pipe -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes