search for: 1&user_id

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "1&user_id".

2008 Mar 15
How to use the functions provided by xen?
Hello~~~ I need to use some functions provided by xen, such as xc_vcpu_getcontext(), xc_map_foreign_ranger() and so on. I have find them in the /libxc/xc_domain.c~~~ But I don't know how to use them in my program. For example, if I need to use the function named printf(), I have to include the header file <stdio.h>~~~ Now, I want to use these functions provided by xen, which header
2008 Mar 10
About special functions provided by xen
Hello~~~~ I have to use some special functions provided by xen, such as xc_vcpu_getcontext(),xc_map_foreign_range() and so on. I tried to find them in the Xen Interface Manuel, but failed. Does anyone know where they are? And another problem: In the Xen Interface Manuel(Appendix A), "xen/include/public/" has been mentioned many times.But I havn't found such a directory in my
2005 Aug 29
[LLVMdev] Re: Forward of moderated message
...n't getting built for some reason. Subsequent attempts to link the LLVM tools fail because they all rely on LLVMCore.o. I'm not sure why this is happening. Can you tell us the names of your LLVM source and LLVM object directories? Also, can you re-run your build with "gmake VERBOSE=1 tools-only" and send us the output? That might give us a clue as to why LLVMCore.o (llvm/lib/VMCore) isn't building. -- John T. > > I wonder if llvm can be compiled on debian. > I use cfrontend-1.5.i686-redhat-linux-gnu.tar.gz to be compiled on > debian.But there is someth...
2007 Mar 12
REST - Implementing HABTM in the real world
...::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :group What I don''t understand is how that actually works in your code. Let''s say I''m looking at all of the groups (GET /groups), and want to get the current user to join one. Presumably, I''d POST to /memberships? group_id=1&user_id=1. But how would I handle if that failed, or they didn''t have permission to do so? And how would I handle the controller returning to the page it came from? Because I could hit the same action from both sides of the HABTM relationship. (User joining a group, and group selectin...
2006 Aug 03
link_to_remote() question from a newbie.
...butes, :class_id =>, :user_id => } ) %> And I would like it to output the html like so: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater(''mydiv'', ''/attributes/list_user_attributes?class_id=1&user_id=2'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return false;" > But instead, the second parameter in Ajax.Updater has its ampersand converted to "&amp;" as in: ''/attributes/list_user_attributes?class_id=1&amp;user_id=2'', Is there a...