search for: 0x549f7

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2018 Feb 26
Problems with write-behind with large files on Gluster 3.8.4
...ailed [2018-02-22 18:07:45.237941] W [MSGID: 114031] [client-rpc-fops.c:3002:client3_3_readv_cbk] 2-scratch-client-0: remote operation failed [Transport endpoint is not connected] [2018-02-22 18:07:45.237953] W [rpc-clnt.c:1694:rpc_clnt_submit] 2-scratch-client-0: failed to submit rpc-request (XID: 0x549f7 Program: GlusterFS 3.3, ProgVers: 330, Proc: 13) to rpc-transport (scratch-client-0) [2018-02-22 18:07:45.237950] W [MSGID: 114031] [client-rpc-fops.c:855:client3_3_writev_cbk] 2-scratch-client-0: remote operation failed [Transport endpoint is not connected] [2018-02-22 18:07:45.237965] E [iobuf.c:...