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2007 Jun 29
Retrive data from repartitioned / reformatted hard drive?
Hi, The title says it all. One of my clients showed me a 120 GB hard drive that his daughter accidentally formatted, according to him. I booted the first CD I had at hand - a Slackware 11.0 install CD - and launched cdfdisk /dev/hda. cfdisk informed me that there was even no partition table. So much for reformatting. cfdisk only shows me 120 GB of free space. Any way to retrive data on this
2006 Jun 17
If Trying to Recover a Damaged Partition: kbs-CentOS-Extras Has a Tool
Recently (and for ages, I'm sure) folks have suffered partition destruction and had to try and recover. In the recent thread, the victim eventually had to resort to Google and fond some package that I can not remember now. Well, I was perusing my YumInfo.lst.05, for general info, and I discovered this (potential) little gem. Thought I would pass it on and make it "more googleable"