Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "03ms".
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2007 Jul 03
garbled calls
problem - occasional garbled calls, mostly remote users.
T1 connected to PSTN, SIP over local LAN and internet to "remote users". NAT at local firewall and at remotes. There is no traffic shaping in place, no QoS. Most are Polycom phones, two Aastra's.
Start with QoS on LAN switches? No 2x4's please, start with 1x4's.
joe a.
2009 Apr 13
Memcached 1.6.5 (Rails 2.3) 10x slower
The move to memcached_client 1.6.5 in Rails 2.3 seems to have made the
Rails cache about 10x slower. Since that''s the opposite effect I
would expect, I was hoping somebody would explain where I''m misreading
these numbers?
I noticed my fragment caching was slow -- it shouldn''t take 2ms just
to read a 2k string from a localhost memcached server:
Cached fragment hit: