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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "0135".

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2016 Feb 10
CEBA-2016:0135 CentOS 6 initscripts BugFix Update
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2016:0135 Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: 8b01c5a973be1847170dd540c677e764b2282c39bf7230897af64fd72a78aac6 debugmode-9.03.49-1.el6.centos.4.i686...
2012 Feb 15
CESA-2012:0135 Critical CentOS 6 java-1.6.0-openjdk Update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2012:0135 Critical Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: ecbe8b8af6c3fe47f9bac60e44825edbe23404bef6706f7d633bd5c7b715b512 java-1.6.0-openjdk-
2008 Feb 22
CESA-2008:0135 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 tk - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2009:0135 The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ia64: updates/ia64/RPMS/tk-8.4.7-3.c4.1.ia64.rpm updates/ia64/RPMS/tk-devel-8.4.7-3.c4.1.ia64.rpm -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at - http://pasi.pirhonen....
2008 Feb 22
CESA-2008:0135 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) tk - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2009:0135 The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: s390: updates/s390/RPMS/tk-8.4.7-3.c4.1.s390.rpm updates/s390/RPMS/tk-devel-8.4.7-3.c4.1.s390.rpm s390x: updates/s390x/RPMS/tk-8.4.7-3.c4.1.s390x.rpm update...
2008 Feb 23
CESA-2008:0135 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 tk - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2009:0135 The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: x86_64: tk-8.4.7-3.el4_6.1.i386.rpm tk-8.4.7-3.el4_6.1.x86_64.rpm tk-devel-8.4.7-3.el4_6.1.x86_64.rpm src: tk-8.4.7-3.el4_6.1.src.rpm -------------- next p...
2008 Feb 23
CESA-2008:0135 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 tk - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2009:0135 The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: i386: tk-8.4.7-3.el4_6.1.i386.rpm tk-devel-8.4.7-3.el4_6.1.i386.rpm src: tk-8.4.7-3.el4_6.1.src.rpm -------------- next part -------------- A non-text atta...
2008 Feb 23
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 36, Issue 10
...ghes) 2. CESA-2008:0110 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 openldap - security update (Johnny Hughes) 3. CESA-2008:0134 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 tcltk - security update (Pasi Pirhonen) 4. CESA-2008:0110 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 openldap - security update (Pasi Pirhonen) 5. CESA-2008:0135 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 tk - security update (Pasi Pirhonen) 6. CESA-2008:0134 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) tcltk - security update (Pasi Pirhonen) 7. CESA-2008:0110 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) openldap - security update (Pasi Pirhonen) 8. CESA-2008:0135 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(...
2010 Mar 13
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 61, Issue 4
...2010:0129 Moderate CentOS 5 x86_64 cups Update (Karanbir Singh) 2. CESA-2010:0129 Moderate CentOS 5 i386 cups Update (Karanbir Singh) 3. CEBA-2010:0132 CentOS 5 x86_64 openmotif Update (Karanbir Singh) 4. CEBA-2010:0132 CentOS 5 i386 openmotif Update (Karanbir Singh) 5. CEBA-2010:0135 CentOS 5 i386 pam Update (Karanbir Singh) 6. CEBA-2010:0135 CentOS 5 x86_64 pam Update (Karanbir Singh) 7. CEEA-2010:0136 CentOS 5 x86_64 be2net-kmod Update (Karanbir Singh) 8. CEEA-2010:0136 CentOS 5 i386 be2net-kmod Update (Karanbir Singh) 9. CEEA-2010:0138 CentOS 5 i386 tzdata Upd...
2012 Feb 15
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 84, Issue 8
...ntents of CentOS-announce digest..." Today's Topics: 1. CESA-2012:0136 Important CentOS 5 libvorbis Update (Johnny Hughes) 2. CESA-2012:0136 Important CentOS 4 libvorbis Update (Johnny Hughes) 3. CESA-2012:0136 Important CentOS 6 libvorbis Update (Johnny Hughes) 4. CESA-2012:0135 Critical CentOS 6 java-1.6.0-openjdk Update (Johnny Hughes) 5. CEBA-2012:0134 CentOS 6 policycoreutils Update (Johnny Hughes) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 09:08:27 +0000 From: Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos...
2004 Dec 08
dovecot 1.0-test-56 mail doesn't show up with Mac Entourage clients
...rom the 1.0-test-56 server of failed fetch request: 14:43:43.214921 IP > P 177:253(76) ack 608 win 65535 <nop,nop,timestamp 519041530 438977827> 0x0000: 4500 0080 ae0c 4000 4006 422c 9e87 0bfc E..... at .@.B,.... 0x0010: 9e87 0135 efb2 008f 2fa2 46d7 61ef eaee ...5..../.F.a... 0x0020: 8018 ffff b026 0000 0101 080a 1eef f1fa .....&.......... 0x0030: 1a2a 4523 4130 3038 2055 4944 2046 4554 .*E#A008.UID.FET 0x0040: 4348 2032 2028 5549 4420 464c 4147 5320 CH.2.(UID.FLAGS. 0x0050: 494e...
2003 Aug 16
Borland C++ Builder 6.0 & Wine
Hi all, I need to use BCB6 with Wine to develop a software that uses two ocxs built with MS Visual C++. I set ole32, oleaut, typelib to native for bcb, else it doesn't start correclty. After that, BCB start up, I can design the forms, write the code, but I have two problems that block me: a) when I press the Execute button, the units are compiled, but the linker hangs up with all the cpu used
2016 Feb 11
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 132, Issue 4
...han "Re: Contents of CentOS-announce digest..." Today's Topics: 1. CEBA-2016:0134 CentOS 6 firefox BugFix Update (Johnny Hughes) 2. CEBA-2016:0140 CentOS 6 httpd BugFix Update (Johnny Hughes) 3. CEBA-2016:0136 CentOS 6 httpd BugFix Update (Johnny Hughes) 4. CEBA-2016:0135 CentOS 6 initscripts BugFix Update (Johnny Hughes) 5. CEBA-2016:0150 CentOS 6 kernel BugFix Update (Johnny Hughes) 6. CESA-2016:0152 Moderate CentOS 6 sos Security Update (Johnny Hughes) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Tue, 9 F...
2011 Apr 04
lattice: how to "center" a subtitle?
Dear expeRts, I recently asked for a real "centered" title (see, e.g., A nice solution (from Deepayan Sarkar) is to use "" instead of "main": library(lattice) trellis.device("pdf") print(xyplot(0 ~ 0, = "This title is now 'centered' for the human's eye", sub = "but subtitles are not ce...
2011 Jul 28
plotting matrix into 2D color plots with rainbow colors
...riation in color. There is a rainbow plot option also. Can anyone help me. Regards, Hitendra -- Hitendra Padalia, PhD Scientist/Engineer 'SD' Regional Remote Sensing Centre-North, NRSC Indian Space Research Organisation 4-Kalidas Road, IIRS Campus, Dehradun-248001, Uttarakhand, India Tel: 0135-2524329, Mobile: 09411193962 Fax: 0135-2745439 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Feb 23
CESA-2008:0136 Moderate CentOS 5 x86_64 tk - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2009:0135 The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: x86_64: tk-8.4.13-5.el5_1.1.i386.rpm tk-8.4.13-5.el5_1.1.x86_64.rpm tk-devel-8.4.13-5.el5_1.1.i386.rpm tk-devel-8.4.13-5.el5_1.1.x86_64.rpm src: tk-8.4.13-5...
2007 May 31
asterisk auto dial does not wait for answer
...sterisk does not wait for called party to answer the call but proceed to process the extension specifed in my .call file My sample call file : hannel: local/0124787924@outbound-reminder MaxRetries: 5 RetryTime: 300 WaitTime: 40 Account: Reminder context: remindem extension: s priority: 1 Set: MSG=0135.20070601.0124787924 Set: APPTDT=20070601 Set: APPTTIME=0135 Set: APPTPHONE=0124787924 Set: CALLATTEMPTS=5 Set: CALLDELAY=300 My outbound-reminder context: [outbound-reminder] exten => _01N.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN},20) My remindem context : [remindem] exten => s,1,Answer() exten => s,2,W...
2007 May 31
Auto Dial Problem
...sterisk does not wait for called party to answer the call but proceed to process the extension specifed in my .call file My sample call file : hannel: local/0124787924@outbound-reminder MaxRetries: 5 RetryTime: 300 WaitTime: 40 Account: Reminder context: remindem extension: s priority: 1 Set: MSG=0135.20070601.0124787924 Set: APPTDT=20070601 Set: APPTTIME=0135 Set: APPTPHONE=0124787924 Set: CALLATTEMPTS=5 Set: CALLDELAY=300 My outbound-reminder context: [outbound-reminder] exten => _01N.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN},20) My remindem context : [remindem] exten => s,1,Answer() exten => s,2,W...
2006 Jun 14
Bug in nortest cvm.test package (PR#8980)
...ow that, I've provided the column of the datafile that results in the high value. Sincerely, Bob Powell Robert M. Powell Senior Project Scientist/Project Mgr. Horizon Environmental Corporation Suite 1700, Fisher Building 3011 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 Tel (313) 874-0124 Fax (313) 874-0135 Cell (248) 977-0317 > shapiro.test( Shapiro-Wilk normality test data: W = 0.5269, p-value < 2.2e-16 > shapiro.test( Error in inherits(x, "factor") : object "" not found...
2006 Jan 28
Check if user is in right group
What is the best way of checking this? I have 3 tables: groups users group_members class GroupMember < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :group belongs_to :user validates_uniqueness_of :user_id, :scope => "group_id" Then I want a method here that checks if a given user is a member of a given group. What is the right way of doing that? def
2009 Jul 07
rake db:create:all error
Hi, I am getting this error when i execute rake db:create:all /opt/gitorious/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter.rb:569: [BUG] unknown type 0x22 (0xc given) any clues ? -Manish -- Posted via