search for: 0020fd

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "0020fd".

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2017 Mar 22
"isolinux.bin missing or corrupt" when booting USB flash drive in old PC
...sohdpfd.bin isohdpfd.force_cbios.bin echo -n s | dd conv=notrunc bs=1 count=1 seek=56 of=isohdpfd.force_cbios.bin composed the proposed diagnostic ISO and ran qemu-system-i386 -m 512 -hda bseq_isohybrid.iso My frankensteining obviously worked. The result is: C00...0020FC/0004/0B/1D 00...0020FD/0004/0B/1E 00...0020FE/0004/0B/1F 00...0020FF/0004/0B/20 00002251...00002251 ... 00002251...00002251 The block content 0x20FE tells that the decimal address is 8785 whereas the requested address was 8444. So here we clearly have a wrong translation from LBA to C/H/S. But the result di...
2017 Mar 22
"isolinux.bin missing or corrupt" when booting USB flash drive in old PC
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 09:03:35AM +0100, Thomas Schmitt via Syslinux wrote: > I think we should offer David a binary which he can combine with > the MBR of the ISO and the image with the recognizable blocks. > I will later today upload a binary version of my block producer > and post the URL. > > The combination will be: > 432 bytes from Martin's MBR > 80 bytes