search for: 000001060000028c3d2e9d97

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "000001060000028c3d2e9d97".

2020 Mar 29
Help with migration to Dovecot from raw files
...interprets $F as octal. 2. there are cases where the old mail server wrote files with identical timestamps even though the dates of the email are clearly different. I presume this was just buggy behaviour and could explain why I couldn't successfully download via imap. 201011072323050332-000001060000028C3D2E9D97.imap 1289200985.M000000P12345.icewarp,S=5614,W=5614:2,RS Received: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 19:44:47 -0700 201011072323050330-000001060000028A3D2C9676.imap 1289200985.M000000P12345.icewarp,S=2317,W=2317:2,RS Received: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 18:51:44 -0700 I may consider fixing this. 3. for some reason there...