search for: 0.13.1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 91 matches for "0.13.1".

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2005 Oct 11
RoR on Apache
I used generate/scaffold to create simple CRUD screen that works perfectly with Webrick. I wanted to attempt to run the same ROR app on Apache. I followed the instructions found at with the alternate ending found at hout+VirtualHosts. I have
2005 Oct 20
Salted Login Generator Installation
Hi, I am trying to install the salted login generator from rubygems. I have version 0.13.1 of rails installed. When I try to install the salted login generator (gem install salted_login_generator) it asks: Install required dependency rails? If I select yes it says: RubyGem version error: rails(0.11.1 not >= 0.13.1) and fails. It does the same thing when I try to install the regular
2005 Aug 06
Re: Error when going to Fastcgi.
I fixed that missing comma, now I get this error: Processing Base#index (for at Sat Aug 06 14:40:47 GMT 2005) Parameters: {} NoMethodError (undefined method `before_filter'' for #<Object: 0x80859b8>): /app/controllers/loginadmin_controller.rb:1 /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb: 18:in `require__''
2005 Jul 29
More issues with Rails Book Cart tutorial.
I am presently trying to get the cart section (chapter 8.) working and after following the instructions as carefully as I can determine I am nonetheless getting the following errors: URL=http://localhost:3000/store/add_to_cart/10 NameError in Store#add_to_cart undefined local variable or method `parms'' for #<StoreController:0x376ee60>
2015 Jan 26
matrixStats 0.13.1 - Methods that Apply to Rows and Columns of a Matrix (and Vectors)
A new release 0.13.1 of matrixStats is now on CRAN []. The source code is available on GitHub []. WHAT DOES IT DO? The matrixStats package provides highly optimized functions for computing common summaries over rows and columns of matrices, e.g.rowQuantiles(). There are also functions that operate on
2015 Jan 26
matrixStats 0.13.1 - Methods that Apply to Rows and Columns of a Matrix (and Vectors)
A new release 0.13.1 of matrixStats is now on CRAN []. The source code is available on GitHub []. WHAT DOES IT DO? The matrixStats package provides highly optimized functions for computing common summaries over rows and columns of matrices, e.g.rowQuantiles(). There are also functions that operate on
2005 Aug 30
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error after app has been running for a while
Hi, I''m having a bit of a problem with a rails app and I wonder if anyone can help. It seems to run fine for a while, but if it''s left running too long (left running as a fastcgi or webrick process that is) it starts failing with an "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid" error (i''ve included the full error from the log file below). I''m seeing this on both
2005 Oct 21
Wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) on routes.rb
Hi, I''m baffled by this error. I need a simple controller to send e-mails, so first I thought about just creating the controller manually (without using script/generate), since that didn''t seem to work, I created a dummy table in my DB and used the usual procedure to generate scaffold code. Then I modified the controller to have only two methods, send and compose: class
2005 Aug 06
Problem with 0.13.1 ActiveRecordStore with PG 8.0.3.
Hi, I put the following in my environment.rb file: ActionController::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS.update (:database_manager => CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore) Runnning WEBrick via "script/server" and trying to load any page served by a controller results in an error like the following: #<ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ERROR: null value in column "id"
2006 Mar 07
webrick RoutingError
problem: webrick will start a rails server, but I cannot access my application. I get the error: Processing Base#index (for at Tue Mar 07 19:16:58 CET 2006) Parameters: {} ActionController::RoutingError (Recognition failed for "/keywordeditor"): my application is called keywordeditor. I am starting the server from the correct place with the correct command (I already
2005 Sep 06
url_for: :overwrite_params went missing
Somewhere between 0.13.1 and the current SVN version the :overwrite_params option to url_for (and related methods) went missing. I can''t tell whether this was deliberate or by mistake, and I have no idea how to get the same functionality in some other way either. Michael -- Michael Schuerig Life is what happens
2005 Oct 12
Should I and can I upgrade GTK+/PyGTK?
I'm trying out different music players. One that looks promising is called Quod Libet: I downloaded the tar file and attempted to install it. I got this message: [dave at localhost quodlibet-0.13.1]$ ./ E: You need GTK+ 2.6 and PyGTK 2.6 or greater. E: You have GTK+ 2.4.13 and PyGTK 2.4.0. E: Please upgrade GTK+/PyGTK. I tried a YUM update,
2005 Oct 15
uninitialized constant errors?
Running with WEBrick, I seem to be occasionally getting these odd "uninitialized constant XXX" errors. Where the XXX is the first class that whatever action I run uses (e.g. Product, CartItem etc). >From the backtrace, it looks almost like the server is somehow trying to reinitialize? Any thoughts?
2005 Aug 26
Salted Login Hash Woes
I had the Salted Login Hash Generator working at one point and then it just stoped working. It was around the time that I changed hosts and I think that it just might not be able to connect to the new server. I have tried everything though and it just doesn''t seem to work out. I''m now thinking that maybe it has to do with something else that I changed in the project. Is
2005 Sep 18
Timeout::Error (execution expired)
I have a long running task in my Rails app that I plan to run via cron when deployed. The problem is that I''m getting an expiration error when trying to test it out. Is there a way to change this timeout? The trace is included. The system is connecting to Flickr, which takes some time. Timeout::Error (execution expired): /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:42:in `new''
2005 Nov 12
undefined method `protocol' for nil:NilClass
Hi! This may have been answered somewhere before, but my searches turned up nothing. I am developing a Rails app that generally works, but just generated a new controller ("list" controller), did not add anything, and when I go to http://localhost:3000/list/ I receive an error. It appears that the page was properly generated, but somewhere preparing the result raised this
2006 Mar 06
form_tag error -- not found, 404 -- action DOES exist!
Hi -- I''ve got a very strange error. I have an action called ''commit_input'' on a controller called ''SiteVisitController''. This definately exists, and is called from the functional test for it, and passes fine. My problem is with the form that is supposed to call this action. The form tag is: <%=
2005 Nov 02
Trouble with Umlauts
I am developing an application in German. This means I have umlauts. When I was using rails version 0.13.1 there seemed to be no further configuration needed for umlauts to be shown correctly. Now I have upgraded to 0.14.2 and the umlauts are being displayed at ''?''s. I changed the encoding of the page and it is UTF-8. I have also tried the steps listed at
2018 May 30
CEEA-2018:1387 CentOS 7 mod_auth_mellon Enhancement Update
CentOS Errata and Enhancement Advisory 2018:1387 Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) x86_64: 3b8180bf71af0ecd0205df421d0e4da5a4fe9b6bc267c09cec26282745e7070d mod_auth_mellon-0.13.1-3.el7_5.x86_64.rpm
2012 Apr 20
CEBA-2012:0499 CentOS 5 aide Update
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2012:0499 Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: 4f3ea0a07eba51c9704f76602a5c8f3a460f4e5d8dc7215a0adc1b4b7438fa32 aide-0.13.1-6.el5_8.2.i386.rpm x86_64: