search for: 0.1250

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2011 Mar 09
No response after click the "show Rules" button on Tab "Associate".
Hi, I am using Rattle 2.6.4 with R 2.12.2 on win64, is this a bug ? Following is the content after execute the associate analysis process: Summary of the Apriori Association Rules: Number of Rules: 23351 Summary of the Measures of Interestingness: support confidence lift Min. :0.1250 Min. :1 Min. :2.667 1st Qu.:0.1250 1st Qu.:1 1st Qu.:2.667 Median :0.1250
2006 Mar 15
Regarding aov Error()
The following dummy data frame has factor Q (with 2 levels) nesting factor P (with levels p1 and p2 nested under q1, and p3 and p4 nested under q2), but both crossing the random variate s, which has 8 levels. The dependent measure is dv. > # The data frame: > testnest dv s P Q 1 1 s1 p1 q1 2 2 s2 p1 q1 3 1 s3 p1 q1 4 2 s4 p1 q1 5 1 s5 p1 q1 6 3 s6 p1 q1 7 3 s7
2012 Sep 19
Help reproducing a contour plot
Hi All, I am trying to reproduce this using R instead. [image: Full-size image (38 K)] I tried using the following code *SChla <- read.csv("SM_Chla_data.csv")* *Atlantis <- SChla[16:66,]* *head(Atlantis)* * * Seamount Station Depth Pico Nano Micro Total_Ch dbar Latitude Longitud 16 Atlantis 1217 Surface 0.0639 0.1560 0.0398 0.2597 2.082 -32.71450 57.29733
2009 May 01
computationally singular and lack of variance parameters in SEM
Hi all, I am trying to set up a simple path analysis in the SEM package, but I am having some trouble. I keep getting the following error message or something similar with my model, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong: Error in solve.default(C) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 2.2449e-20 In addition: Warning message: In sem.default(ram = ram, S = S,
2011 Jun 29
time series interpolation
Hi there, I?ve got a datatable in R which I try to interpolate with this and get the Error below: > new$temp<- approx(w03_11temp$temp, n = (nrow(w03_11temp)*5))$y Error in new$temp <- approx(w03_11temp$temp, n = (nrow(w03_11temp) * 5))$y : Object of type 'closure' not registered Any idea?? Thanks a lot. -- View this message in context:
2010 Mar 13
format: from list to data frame
Dear users, Is anyone out there on a Saturday to answer this easy question? I have the "yo" object data in a "list" format: > str(yo) num [1:259, 1:173] 16.3 NA NA NA NA ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ x: chr [1:259] "367319" "367329" "367309" "367339" ... ..$ y: chr [1:173] "780175"
2004 Jul 16
sas to r
I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who'll help me translate some SAS code into R code. Say for example that I have a dataset named "dat1" that includes five variables: wshed, site, species, bda, and sla. I can calculate with the following SAS code the mean, CV, se, and number of observations of "bda" and "sla" for each combination of
2013 Oct 04
[Bug 70130] New: unable to compile fragment shader program Priority: medium Bug ID: 70130 Assignee: nouveau at Summary: unable to compile fragment shader program Severity: normal Classification: Unclassified OS: Linux (All) Reporter: infyquest at Hardware: x86 (IA32)
2011 Jun 30
help with interpreting what nnet() output gives:
Greetings list, I am new to programming in R, and am using nnet() function for a project on neural networking. Firstly I wish to ask if there is any pdf explaining the algorithm nnet uses, which could tell me what the objects of the nnet class, like 'conn', 'nconn, 'nsunits', n and 'nunits' mean, and how weights are calculated. The package pdf has little or no