search for: 0.1109

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2007 Jan 02
slightly extended lm class
Dear R readers: I have written a short lme.R function, which adds normalized coefficients and White heteroskedasticity-adjusted statistics to the standard output. Otherwise, it behaves like lm. This is of course trivial for experts, but for me and other amateur users perhaps helpful. y= rnorm(15); x= rnorm(15); z= rnorm(15); m= lme( y ~ x + z); print(summary(m)); produces something
2006 Nov 23
random effect question and glm
consider p as random effect with 5 levels, what is difference between these two models? > p5.random.p <- lmer(Y ~p+(1|p),data=p5,family=binomial,control=list(usePQL=FALSE,msV=1)) > p5.random.p1 <- lmer(Y ~1+(1|p),data=p5,family=binomial,control=list(usePQL=FALSE,msV=1)) in addtion, I try these two models, it seems they are same. what is the difference between these two model. Is
2008 Jan 08
Hello List: Please find uploaded to CRAN a new package, PwrGSD The package is intended for the design and analysis of group sequential trials There are two main functions, (1) GrpSeqBnds: computes group sequential stopping boundaries for interim analysis of a sequential trial based upon a normally distributed test statistic. This can be done via the Lan-Demets procedure with
2008 Jan 08
Hello List: Please find uploaded to CRAN a new package, PwrGSD The package is intended for the design and analysis of group sequential trials There are two main functions, (1) GrpSeqBnds: computes group sequential stopping boundaries for interim analysis of a sequential trial based upon a normally distributed test statistic. This can be done via the Lan-Demets procedure with
2003 Feb 19
Subpopulations in Complex Surveys
Hi, is there a way to analyze subpopulations (e.g. women over 50, those who answered "yes" to a particular question) in a survey using Survey package? Other packages (e.g. Stata, SUDAAN) do this with a subpopulation option to identify the subpopulation for which the analysis shoud be done. I did not see this option in the Survey package. Is there another way to do this?
2013 Mar 01
Conditional Weighted Average (ddply or any other function)
Hello R community, I am computing weighted average statistic by using ddply function: My data set is: N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-4 ROE11 EPS11 MKT11 N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-3 ROE12 EPS12 MKT12 N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-2 ROE13 EPS13 MKT13 N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-1 ROE14 EPS14 MKT14 N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY0 ROE15 EPS15 MKT15 N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY1 ROE16 EPS16 MKT16 N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY2 ROE17
2004 Jul 20
Precision in R
Greetings. I'm trying to recreate in R some regression models I've done in SAS, but I'm not getting the same results. My advisor suspects this may be due to differences in precision between R and SAS. Does anyone know where I can find specifications for R's type double? (It doesn't seem to be in the R Language Definition.) Thanks in advance for any help anyone can
2011 Nov 05
como ponderar casos en R
Hola a tod en s. Se trata de un tema que lleva tiempo rondándome la cabeza, pero que nunca he encontrado una solución. Se que existe el paquete survey, pero me gustaría saber si existe algo más sencillo. Por ejemplo, estaba analizando los últimos datos de la encuesta de equipamientos tecnológicos del INE y dicho fichero tiene dos variables con factores de elevación, una para hogares y otra para