search for: 0.073347

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "0.073347".

2015 Sep 16
UPS/NUT with openSUSE 13.1
I found something particularly strange while trying out different things: I started up upsdrvctl, upsd, and upsmon. I then stopped upsdrvctl, and tried starting the usbhid-ups driver a few times. Each time I executed the driver, it indicated an instance was already running, stopped it, and then started it again....which is what it should do. I then added -DDDD to the command....and then it
2015 Sep 09
UPS/NUT with openSUSE 13.1
On Sep 9, 2015, at 9:40 AM, Rob Groner <rgroner at> wrote: > > I'm not sure which USB lib it compiled against. What does this return? ldd /path/to/driver -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>