search for: 0.0693

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "0.0693".

Did you mean: 0.0699
2011 Jan 20
Problems with ecodist
Dear Dr.Goslee and anyone may intrested in matrix manipulate, I am using your ecodist to do mantel and partial mantel test, I have locality data and shape variation data, and the two distance matrixs are given as belowings. When I run the analysis, it is always report that the matrix is not square, but I didn't know what's wrong with my data. Would you please help me on this. I am quite
2004 Sep 30
polr (MASS) and lrm (Design) differences in tests of statistical signifcance
Greetings: I'm running R-1.9.1 on Fedora Core 2 Linux. I tested a proportional odds logistic regression with MASS's polr and Design's lrm. Parameter estimates between the 2 are consistent, but the standard errors are quite different, and the conclusions from the t and Wald tests are dramatically different. I cranked the "abstol" argument up quite a bit in the polr
2008 Aug 19
Hi, My name is Mauro Belleggia, I m doing an ANOSIM (using "vegan" package) to test statistically whether there is a significant difference between 3 (1,2 and 3) groups of sampling units. My results were: Call: anosim(dis = distancias, grouping = Lt) Dissimilarity: bray ANOSIM statistic R: 0.1313 Significance: < 0.001 Based on 1000 permutations Empirical upper confidence
2009 Feb 08
Initial values of the parameters of a garch-Model
Dear all, I'm using R 2.8.1 under Windows Vista on a dual core 2,4 GhZ with 4 GB of RAM. I'm trying to reproduce a result out of "Analysis of Financial Time Series" by Ruey Tsay. In R I'm using the fGarch library. After fitting a ar(3)-garch(1,1)-model > model<-garchFit(~arma(3,0)+garch(1,1), analyse) I'm saving the results via > result<-model
2007 Sep 18
[LLVMdev] 2.1 Pre-Release Available (testers needed)
On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 11:42:18PM -0700, Tanya Lattner wrote: > The 2.1 pre-release (version 1) is available for testing: > > > [...] > > 2) Download llvm-2.1, llvm-test-2.1, and the llvm-gcc4.0 source. > Compile everything. Run "make check" and the full llvm-test suite > (make TEST=nightly report). > > Send
2007 Sep 15
[LLVMdev] 2.1 Pre-Release Available (testers needed)
LLVMers, The 2.1 pre-release (version 1) is available for testing: I'm looking for members of the LLVM community to test the 2.1 release. There are 2 ways you can help: 1) Download llvm-2.1, llvm-test-2.1, and the appropriate llvm-gcc4.0 binary. Run "make check" and the full llvm-test suite (make TEST=nightly report). 2) Download