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2018 May 15
OK, Let's try this again! Here is the reproducible script; it is long because I had to copy the panel dataset here. My question is related to systemfit; I don't know how to get the result for the entire panel. #Reproducible script Empdata<- read.csv("/Users/ngwinuiazenui/Documents/UPLOADemp.csv") View(Empdata) install.packages("systemfit")
2018 May 16
Sadly you failed to set your email program to send plain text and the data is corrupted at my end. I also think you need to reduce the size of the data set... the intent here is to increase your understanding, not debug your particular analysis. I will say that I am having a very challenging time understanding what you are trying to accomplish though. What are the equations that you think need
2018 May 16
Systemfit Question
I can't get my simultaneous equations to work using system fit. Please help. #Reproducible script Empdata<- read.csv("/Users/ngwinuiazenui/Documents/UPLOADemp.csv") View(Empdata) str(Empdata) Empdata$gnipc<-as.numeric(Empdata$gnipc) install.packages("systemfit") library("systemfit") pdata <-,
2018 May 15
... and the mailing list is picky about attachments... whatever you attached did not conform to the stringent requirements mentioned in the Posting Guide. Pasting the code right into the email is usually safest, though you DO have to post using plain text (as the Posting Guide indicates) or your code may get mangled by the automatic html format removal. On May 15, 2018 7:04:31 AM PDT, Bert Gunter
2018 May 15
Unless there is good reason not to, always cc the list -- there are lots of smarter folks than I on it who can help. I may or may not have time to look at this. Hopefully someone else will. -- Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip
2013 Sep 06
Problema con filtros de datos en un data.frame
Estimados, tengo el siguiente problema: estoy trabajando con un data.frame que tiene 892 filas y 9 columnas, el cual adjunto para que puedan probar. Cuando consulto por las filas que cumplen una cierta condicion, por ejemplo, ... graph[graph$NCar==c("160s"),] obtengo el siguiente conjunto de datos: sol con dia NCar NIns isom area rep tipo 1 con 0.001 1 160s 0 s
2011 Oct 16
How to plot CI's (llim ulim) on ecodist mgram
I would like to put confidence intervals on a mantel corellogram they are already calculated in the pmgram object but I am unsure how I get the x value in order to plot them? package(ecodist) X<-1:100 Y<-rnorm(1:100) Z<-rnorm(1:100) XY<-dist(data.frame(X,Y)) YX<-dist(data.frame(Y,X)) my.mgram<-mgram(XY,XZ) plot(my.mgram) print(my.mgram) > print(my.mgram) $mgram
2011 Mar 12
betareg help
Dear R users, I'm trying to do betareg on my dataset. Dependent variable is not normally distributed and is proportion (of condom use (0,1)). But I'm having problems: gyl<-betareg(cond ~ alcoh + drug, data=results) Error in optim(par = start, fn = loglikfun, gr = gradfun, method = method, : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite Why is R returning me error in optim()? What
2006 Oct 31
Syntax Error in Rcmd check on Windows
Dear R-developers, I am currently developing an R package called RLadyBug. When developing under Linux "R CMD check ." works fine without a warning. However, when I do "Rcmd check ." under Windows (version 2.4.0 and earlier) I get a ?syntax error" when checking the examples. This puzzles me somewhat, because a manual source("RLadyBug-Ex.R") on Windows works
2013 Sep 06
Problema con filtros de datos en un data.frame
Me funciono perfecto, muchas gracias Carlos ... si no es mucha la molestia, alguien podria explicarme la diferencia tecnica entre ambos signos, y porque == produce el resultado que produce ? en que casos deberia usar == y en que casos %in% ... cual es el significado de cada uno ? Disculpen que no me conforme solo con obtener el resultado adecuado, es solo que no me suena logico que == no
2012 Jul 02
degree of freedom GLM
Hi, I have a problem with the df. I read in a big csv file. Tabelle <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Bachelorarbeit\\eingabe8_durchnummeriert.csv" , header = T , sep=";") then I try this: > ygamma <- glm(Tabelle$sb_ek_ber ~1+ Tabelle$FAHRL_C + Tabelle$NUTZKREIS + Tabelle$schw_drittel_c   , family = Gamma) >  anova(ygamma, test="Chisq")
2004 Aug 03
How to select a whole column? Thanks!
Dear all, I hope to remove a whole column from a data frame or matrix (> 2000 columns). All value in the column are same. The first thing is to select those columns. For instance, I hope to remove the V3~6 column, for all the value in those colume is zero. V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 1 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3 0 0 0
2019 May 03
R optim(method="L-BFGS-B"): unexpected behavior when working with parent environments
On 03/05/2019 10:31, Serguei Sokol wrote: > On 02/05/2019 21:35, Florian Gerber wrote: >> Dear all, >> >> when using optim() for a function that uses the parent environment, I >> see the following unexpected behavior: >> >> makeFn <- function(){ >> ???? xx <- ret <- NA >> ???? fn <- function(x){ >> ??????? if(!
2013 Sep 10
Problema con filtros de datos en un data.frame
Muchas gracias por la explicación Isidro! El 10 de septiembre de 2013 08:19, Isidro Hidalgo <>escribió: > Cuando utilizas "==" estás comparando el vector "graph$NCar" (longitud 892) > con otro de longitud 2: c("160s","180s"). > Es decir, comparas el primer valor de "graph$NCar" con el primer valor de >
2013 Sep 06
Problema con filtros de datos en un data.frame
Hola, ¿qué tal? No uses == sino %in%. Un saludo, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta El día 7 de septiembre de 2013 00:57, neo <ericconchamunoz en> escribió: > Estimados, tengo el siguiente problema: estoy trabajando con un > data.frame que tiene 892 filas y 9 columnas, el cual adjunto para que > puedan probar. > > Cuando consulto por las filas que
2019 May 03
R optim(method="L-BFGS-B"): unexpected behavior when working with parent environments
Yes, I think you are right. I was at first confused by the fact that after the optim() call, > environment(fn)$xx [1] 10 > environment(fn)$ret [1] 100.02 so not 9.999, but this could come from x being assigned the final value without calling fn. -pd > On 3 May 2019, at 11:58 , Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: > > Your results below make it look like a
2001 Nov 27
lme on large data frames
Recently there was a question on using lme with large data sets. As an experiment I fit a linear mixed-effects model to a data set with about 350,000 observations on 6 predictors, a numerical response, and a single grouping factor. The timings shown below were on a 1.2 GHz Athlon with 1 GB of PC133 memory and 2 GB of swap. The operating system is Debian 3.0 GNU/Linux. The kernel is 2.4.14.
2010 Feb 10
sum sections of data of different lengths from within a data frame
Dear R Help: I am trying to sum data from one column in a dataframe based on a value in another. I do not know how to do this easily in R. For example: Col A Col B 1 0 3 0 2 1 2 0 1 0 4 0 1 1 9 1 3 0 5 0 2 1 I would like to cumsum the values in Col A for all rows where Col B is 0, and a value of 1 in Col B will reset
2005 Dec 08
'mean' and 'sd' calculations do not match
Dear list, I am using R 2.1.1 on a Fedora 3 Linux, 32 bit PC. If I compute the aggregated mean and the standard deviation I get standard deviation values for factors where the mean was not computed. It seems to me that this is somehow related to the NA values. But I don't quite understand what is going wrong? Could it be related to the data import already? Some of the imported data got the
2011 Nov 29
Why Numeric Values Become Factors in Data Frame
I have a data frame with 1 factor, one date, and 37 numeric values: str(waterchem) 'data.frame': 3525 obs. of 39 variables: site : Factor w/ 64 levels "D-1","D-2","D-3",..: 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ sampdate : Date, format: "2007-12-12" "2008-03-15" ... $ CO3 : num 1 1 6.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ HCO3 : num 231 228 118 246