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2010 Nov 18
Logistic regression with factorial effect
...ity of mate success. Initially I was trying to do a logistic regression model incorporating the temporal effect, but I don?t know if that is the best option. I simulated some data and that?s the problem: rep(c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May"), each=20) -> month as.factor(month) rep(LETTERS[seq(1:20)], 5) -> ind rep(sort(rnorm(20, 5.5, 0.2)), 5) -> size size c(c(rep(0,12), rep(1,8)), c(rep(0,12), rep(1,8)), c(rep(c(0,1), 10)), c(rep(1,8), rep(0,12)), c(rep(1,8), rep(0,12))) -> success1 success1 With the object ?success1?, only...
2002 Oct 02
Directory Problemsw
Okay, here's the debugger output: WineDbg starting... on pid 806e830 No debug information in 32bit DLL 'F:\Mapper6.exe' (0x00400000) No debug information in ELF 'wine' (0x000000...
2011 Oct 05
subplot strange behavoir
Hello, Below is some example code that should reproduce an error I'm encountering while trying to create a tiff plot with two subplots. If I run just the following bit of code through the R GUI the result is what I'd like to have appear in the saved tiff image: x<-seq(0:20) y<-c(1,1,2,2,3,4,5,4,3,6,7,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,4,3,6) plot(x,y,type="l",las=1,ylim=c(0,12)) subplot(edm.sub(x[seq(1:5)],y[seq(1:5)]),x=4,y=9,size=c(1,1.5)) subplot(edm.sub(x[seq(15,20,by=1)],y[seq(15,20,by=1)]),x=17,y=9,size=c(1,1.5)) However, if expanding on this code with: edm.sub&lt...
2008 Jun 05
choosing an appropriate linear model
...ave a positive intercept, particularly since lab experiments have shown that a certain amount of rain exposure is required to wet the wood before leaching begins. I can get more normally distributed residuals by log-transforming the response, or using the optimal box-cox transformation of lambda = 0.21, which produces nicer-looking residuals but unsatisfactory prediction which is the main goal of the model (also attached). Any advice on how to create a better predictive model? I presume it has something to do with glm, especially since I have repeated rainfalls on replicate samples, but any...
2005 Aug 30
No subject
Nothing has been defined <;0;3;(0,23)> failure on __vt_9type_info:G(0,65)=ar(12,3);0;3;(0,23) at ;0;3;(0,23) Nothing has been defined <;0;7;(0,11)>...
2012 Jul 06
function on strsplit output
Hi, I am trying to format some data (example matrix "m" below) for which each data point has 2 associated values separated by a comma. I want to replace values <3 with "0" to give the example output below. I have got as far as: out<-lapply(strsplit(m,","),as.numeric) Failed to identify anything along the lines of "[out<3]<-0" that works... Thank you for any help! Sarah   m<-matrix(c("1,6", "0,12", "130,1...
2013 Oct 31
issue with dahdi_channels.conf
Hello list i have an issue with my dahdi_channels.conf in span 1 when i use it like below i can do my outband calls without issue ; Span 1: TE2/0/1 "T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1" (MASTER) group=0,11 context=from-pstn switchtype = euroisdn signalling = pri_cpe channel => 17-31 context = default group = 63 but when i add in channel 1-15 like: channel => 1-15,17-31 i receive all the time this message chan_dahdi.c:9438 pri_fixu...
2010 Jun 05
Error Bar Issues
Hello all, I am an undergraduate student who is having syntax issues trying to get error bars on my graph. This is the data, which I assigned the name "Saline" to. Time Average SEM 1 -20 0.000000 0.0000000 2 3 30 0.000000 0.0000000 4 45 3.227902 0.7462524 5 60 5.066664 1.1623944 6 80 6.107491 1.5027762 7 110 6.968231 1.3799637 8 140 7.325713 1.2282053 9 200 7.875194 1.1185175 10 260 6.513927...
2009 Dec 03
Bar Plots: Error Bars
...mmy data before using it to analyze my own. I successfully made a bar graph and error bars, but I can't figure out how to align them properly (currently they are not centered on the bars and some of them aren't even close). Here's the code that I'm using: > marks <- sample(4:10, size=50, replace=TRUE) > dim(marks) <- c(10,5) > classavg <- colMeans (marks, na.rm=FALSE, dims = 1) > barplot(classavg, main="Class Average for Quizzes", xlab="Quiz", > ylab="Average", names = c("1","2","3","4&quo...
2010 Apr 20
multiple plots problem
...2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("Gaps", "Surroundings"), class = "factor"), stage = structure(c(4L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 4L, 2L, 3L, 1L), .Label = c("Alpine_Grassl.", "Early", "Late", "Pioneer"), class = "factor"), mw = c(12.06293707, 26.09265735, 37.12287713, 81.53846154, 28.88005449, 68.44004261, 97.61124961, 100)), .Names = c("pos", "stage", "mw"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L)))) seedl<-data.frame( list(structure(list(pos = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L,...
2017 Jun 20
Help with the plot function
Dear friends, I have the following dataframe: YEAR <- c(1996 , 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 ) T_MAR <- c(2.8, 6.5, 5.4,2.4, 4, 4.1, 3, 4.4, 4.5) T_APR <- c(5.7, 7.8, 7.7, 4.6, 4.7, 6.2,5.7, 5.9, 7) T_MAY <- c(7, 8.8, 10, 6, 5.5, 7.6, 8.5, 7.3, 10.2) BUD <- c(87, 98, 93, 85, 89, 91, 87, 92, 92) BUD_SE <- c(3.6, 2, 2.4, 4, 2.4, 2.4, 4, 2.4, 3) g1 &lt...
2011 Jul 08
Confused about a warning message
I define the following function to convert a t-value with degrees of freedom DF to another t-value with different degrees of freedom fullDF: tConvert <- function(tval, DF, fullDF) ifelse(DF>=1, qt(pt(tval, DF), fullDF), 0) It works as expected with the following case: > tConvert(c(2,3), c(10,12), 12) [1] 1.961905 3.000000 However, it gives me warning for the example below although the output is still as intended: > tConvert(c(2,3), c(0,12), 12) [1] 0 3 Warning message: In pt(q, df, lower.tail, log.p) : NaN...
2010 Mar 01
function odiag(): assigning values to off-diagonal
hi I'm trying to use the function odiag(x) for matrix calculations. I would like to assign new values to an off-diagonal in a matrix. When I use the diag (x) function I could write something like p<-matrix(seq(1:12),ncol=4)<-matrix(rep(0,12),ncol=4) diag(<-diag(p) But this won't work with odiag. How can I turn odiag (x) into something like diag (x) in order to assign off-diagonals new values? In the end I would like to do something like this: h<-matrix(rep(c(0.2,0.3,0.3,1),4),ncol=4,byrow=T) #harvest r...
2004 Aug 10
persp, array and colors
...alues of my first matrix in the heights of the plot and the colors of the single facet taking into account the second matrix. I hope that the next code will help all of you to understand better my issue, Thanks in advance, Giancarlo ############################ ## creating my array m1 <- runif(30,min=1, max=10) m2 <- c(rep(0,12), rep(1,5), rep(0,3), rep(1,30-12-5-3)) mm <- array(c(m1,m2), dim=c(6,5,2)) ## colors colo <- c("red", "blue") ## axis x <- 1:6 y <- 1:5 z <- mm[,,1] z1 <- mm[,,2] ## surface with heights and colors ## related to the fi...
2011 Aug 23
Different Estimated values between R and Excel
Hi, I used simple linear regression with the R software and EXCEL on the same data. Although , I find the same R2=0.84, I find different estimated values (intercept and slope). For the R software (slope =0.0009, Intercept = -0.1478), for EXCEL (slope =927.7, Intercept = 154,41). When I use the estimated values from the R software, the results seem bad, however the results of Exel seem correct. Do you know wh...
2010 Dec 22
problems with abline in a time line scatterplot
...k, it seems that the function abline is not able to handle the fact, that i used the column Date as a factor. this is the script: data<-read.table('DO_hapa_all_morning.txt',header=T, attach(data) names(data) plot(DO,axes=F,xlab="Date",ylab="DO [mg/l]",ylim=c(0,12),col="red") axis(1,at=1:length(DO),labels=Date) axis(2) abline(lm(DO~Date),col="red") this warning message shows up (last row translated from german): warning: 1: In model.matrix.default(mt, mf, contrasts) : variable 'Date' converted to a factor 2: In abline(lm(DO...
2009 Jul 28
xyplot, panel.abline, from, to
...xyplot via panel.abline to allow additional space for inserted text. According to ?panel.abline it seems like "from" and "to" will do the trick but it does not work for the sample code below. Any hints much appreciated. Cheers, David x = seq(1,8) y.1 = .6*x + 3.5 + rnorm(8, 0, .5); y.2 = .4*x + 1 + rnorm(8,0, .5) data.ex = data.frame( x.var = c(x,x), y.var = c(y.1, y.2), id = c(rep("y1", 8), rep("y2", 8))) xyplot( y.var ~ x.var, data = data.ex, groups = id, pch = 16, panel = function(...) { panel.abline(a = 2, b = .5, lty = 1, from = 1,...
2003 Jan 03
Take care with codes()! (was type of representation)
...e corrected snippet: # Create an Example Data Frame Containing Car x Color data carnames <- c("bmw","renault","mercedes","seat") carcolors <- c("red","white","silver","green") datavals <- round(rnorm(16, mean=10, sd=4),1) data <- data.frame(Car=rep(carnames,4), Color=rep(carcolors, c(4,4,4,4) ), Value=datavals ) # show the data data # plot the Car x Color combinations, using 'cex' to specify the dot size plot(x=as.numeric(data$Car), # as.numeric give nu...
2012 Oct 22
how to group smooth line by two groups?
Hello, I have the following sample dataset. sex <- as.factor(c(rep(0,12),rep(1,12))) char <- c("x","x","x","x","y","y","y","y","z","z","z","z","x","x","x","x","y","y","y",&quo...
2007 Jul 12
No subject
the Telco, I can make calls in. What I am trying to get though is how to pass through the DID range. The E1 that I am connecting to the Telco with, used to connect direct to the NEC system and already has hunt group calling enabled for all 30 channels. Also, I was given a 100 number indial range (from 00 -> 99). If the E1 is connected to the NEC directly, I can call 5555 7320 and the NEC will route that directly to a certain handset. But when I put the asterisk system in between, I am getting the call through, but it does not then...