Gilles, I guess you re experimenting the exact issue which made me
headeach and this morning after nights of thinking I think I am
approaching the solution. Look at this
-> access control list - How to set Linux Default ACLs differently for
directories and files - Server Fault
Le 10/28/2024 ? 1:39 PM, Gilles via samba a ?crit :
> On 28/10/2024 12:37, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
>>> The man page
>>> <>
>>> include "store dos attributes".
>> Your link appears to point to the smb.conf manpage for Samba 1.9.18,
>> just what version of Samba are you using ? On what OS ?
> I didn't know what version if refered to. Samba? 4.13.13 on Debian 11.
>> If you are using vfs_acl_xattr, then you shouldn't be using any
>> parameters in smb.conf.
> I'm not using that option. Just a plain single-server, no DC, without
> Samba accounts, and a shared "nobody" account. Couldn't be
> ============> ~# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
> [global]
> workgroup = WORKGROUP
> netbios name = DEBIAN
> security = user
> map to guest = Bad User ; maps to "nobody" in /etc/passwd
> log level = 2
> ;this avoids needless errors in the logs if you have no printer
> printcap name = /dev/null
> load printers = no
> printing = bsd
> [write]
> path = /Backup
> ;comment = No need for Unix/Samba passwords
> guest ok = yes
> writeable=yes
> browseable=yes
> force create mode = 0644 ; how to get files to be created as rw r r
> ??????
> ============>