On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 16:27:38 -0500
E R via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> Does anyone have any insight into what may cause smbstatus to report
> that the signing is only partial? Specifically the top section of
> the output that has PID, Username, Group, Machine, Protocol Version,
> Encryption, Signing. Most connections show AES-128-CMAC but some
> show partial (AES-128-CMAC). I played the highlight game and the
> different PCs and users are all in the same OUs as others who do NOT
> have the "partial" text so I do not believe a GPO could be
> the issue. SMB3_11 is the protocol used & Win 10 (Pro) systems. 90%
> of systems are normal...just a few report the partial issue.
> No issues with client access... Just wanted to see if I could
> understand this since.
> *Relevant Settings*
> server smb3 signing algorithms = AES-128-GMAC, AES-128-CMAC,
> HMAC-SHA256 server smb encrypt = default
If most of your clients work okay, but a few don't, then I would look
at the clients that don't, the 'data' isn't changing, perhaps it
way the few clients ask for the data that is different.