A Windows-based domain controller is definitely not an RODC, I can?t
understand why it goes to this line, I?m putting together a package for
testing myself, making some changes to it, maybe this is related to this,
tell me about local, why it?s not advisable to use .local
??, 28 ??? 2024??. ? 14:26, Rowland Penny via samba <samba at
> On Tue, 28 May 2024 12:22:23 +0300
> Omnis ludis - games <sergey.gortinsc17 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > the CENTOS 7 operating system is used
> OK, but where did you get the Samba packages from, by default, Centos,
> like RHEL cannot be provisioned or joined as a DC.
> > the command to enter is as follows: samba-tool domain join
> > admugra.local DC -U Administrator --dns-backend=BIND9_DLZ
> Using '.local' is not recommended or supported.
> > --realm=ADMUGRA.LOCAL
> > --backend-store=mdb
> Don't change the backend, it isn't required.
> > --option="ad dc functional
> > level = 2016" --server=dc1.admugra.local -d 10
> > version exactly 4.19
> Sorry, but no it isn't, it will be in the format 4.19.x where
'x' is a
> number between (at present) 0 and 6
> > join to DC not RODC
> That is what I cannot understand, your error is this:
> ERROR(ldb): uncaught exception - LDAP error 53
> LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM - <00002010: SvcErr: DSID-031A124C, problem
> 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0> <> File
> line 279, in samba.netcmd.Command._run File
> "samba/netcmd/domain/join.py", line 130, in
> samba.netcmd.domain.join.cmd_domain_join.run File
"samba/join.py", line
> 1683, in samba.join.join_DC File "samba/join.py", line 1590, in
> samba.join.DCJoinContext.do_join File "samba/join.py", line 1563,
> samba.join.DCJoinContext.do_join File "samba/join.py",
> logger.info("Joined domain %s (SID %s) as an RODC" %
> ctx.domsid))line 649, in samba.join.DCJoinContext.join_add_objects
> Adding CN=DCRED,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=domain,DC=local
> The last of the 'File' lines is where the error actually occurs and
> each one of the 'File' lines calls the next.
> If you download the 4.19.0 tarball and go to python/samba/join.py then
> to line 649, you will find that it is actually a blank line, but line
> 651 is: print("Adding %s" % ctx.server_dn), which is the last
line of
> your error.
> Line 649 is part of join_add_objects
> The line above it in the error is line 1563, which is DCJoinContext and
> this calls 'ctx.do_join()', which, if it succeeds, runs the next
> logger.info("Joined domain %s (SID %s) as an RODC" %
> ctx.domsid))
> So I come back to my original question, where did you get your Samba
> packages from ?
> You seem to running the command to join as a DC, but it seems to end up
> trying join as an RODC, unless I am missing something somewhere.
> Rowland
> --
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