On Tue Jul 25 14:41:43 2023 Kris Lou <klou at themusiclink.net>
wrote> >
> > Is there any way to tell whether it's MIT or Heimdal?
> >
> Try # smbd -b | grep HAVE_LIBKADM5SRV_MIT
> Kris Lou
> klou at themusiclink.net
Thanks for that link. Results:
# smbd -b | grep HAVE_LIBKADM5SRV_MIT
So, my "new" DC is running MIT.
On the current DC that returned nothing, so I assume that means the current DC
is running Heimdal.
None of my latest Slackware 14.2 systems show the HAVE_LIBKADM5SRV_MIT, but the
latest 15.0 systems do. Either the Slackware folks changed from Heimdal to MIT
with 15.0, or there is some other *_MIT attribute. However, I've grepped for
just MIT and nothing, so I think the 14.2 Slackware must have been running
Heimdal and the latest 15.0 is running MIT.
Question: Does it matter if the current DC is running Heimdal and the new DC is
running MIT?
THX --Mark