On Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 08:54:24AM +0100, Leon Benthaus via samba
wrote:>Dear all,
>I still have CentOS7 running with the latest Samba Version available
>for it (samba-4.10.16-20.el7)
>I'm experiencing a really strange issue. When I copy a file larger
>than 2GB I? always get a network
>drop. It just stops at around 1,74gb. The logs didn't show something
>in default logging level and
>are overwhelming at 5. An interesting detail is: If I pause the copy
>process every other second
>I can get the whole file copied. If I let it run at full speed it is
>not working. Any idea? I already
>played around with socket options and stuff. No change. The shares is
>located on a xfs formatted drive.
Might be:
Contains a patch you might try.