On 27/12/2022 01:59, Rich Webb via samba wrote:> Hello,
> I am trying to save my domain from a Zentyal 3.2 server which is running
Samba version 4.1.5 by joining a current Samba version 4.13.17 into the
directory. My plan was to do this and then transfer FSMO roles and be done but
I'm getting an error (WERR_DS_DRA_MISSING_PARENT) trying to join the domain
with the new version. Based on another mailing list posting by Andrew, it looks
like this happens with very old versions of Samba.
> That being the case how would one migrate away from this old version aside
from just creating a new domain and starting over?
> Thanks,
> Rich
You could try compiling 4.3.0 yourself, then try and join it as a new
DC, if that works, transfer the FSMO roles to the new DC and demote the
old one. I would then try 4.5.0 , once at 4.5.0 you could then try a
bigger jump, say to 4.13.0.
This will all take time and work, depending on the size of your AD
domain, it might just be easier to start again.
Once you do have a your domain working with a supported version of Samba
(You appear to be approx 16 major versions adrift, the latest is
4.17.4), I would suggest you try and keep up to date.