Hello all Please can i know what samba version is not affected by 22h2 bug ??? thanks Corrado Ravinetto Sistemi informativi corrado.ravinetto at lanificiocerruti.com <mailto:corrado.ravinetto at lanificiocerruti.com> T: +39 015 3591283 [Lanificio F.lli CERRUTI] Lanificio F.lli Cerruti S.p.A. Via Cernaia 40, 13900 - Biella (BI) Italy www.lanificiocerruti.com <http://www.lanificiocerruti.com/> [Twitter] <https://twitter.com/Lan_Cerruti> [Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/LanificioCerruti> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/lanificiocerruti/> Rispetta l'ambiente, non stampare questa mail se non necessario Respect the environment, don't print unless necessary [Unesco]
On 16/11/2022 10:04, Corrado Ravinetto via samba wrote:> Hello all > Please can i know what samba version is not affected by 22h2 bug ??? > >Are you talking about the Windows 'feature' where a date has gone from sometime in in 2038 to sometime never ? If so, then you should be okay using Samba >= 4.16.0 . If you are referring to Windows printnightmare, then who knows, Windows doesn't appear to. Rowland